Eheads At the Fountain

Sallies Blog

    Sallies, today in Illinois, because of the "Law of the Land" we Illinoisans are saying yes, to the abortion, of approximately 192 children, infants, fetuses, and fertilized embryos; whatever you call or however you classify them, it is 192 human beings aborted today and 60,000 a year.   Now the ironic thing here is a few short decades ago, abortion was something society thought as unconscionable!  However these days, rather than the shame falling on those who support this horrid procedure, it falls on those, who call it to justice, and this calling shows just how upside down, our society has been become.    

    Arvin with all the unseemly sexual behaviors we have seen, in the past decades: with priests, Senators, congress people and places it should never be known, it is hard not to see a connection for the moral degradation, of society, fostered by the "Law of Abortion," which takes life with such a lollipop attitude.