Eheads At the Fountain

Sallies Blog
Friday, December 17, 2010 14:19:32

    Sallies the last time I looked, Barack's cause, as he so casually calls 'our cause or America's cause' is unique, to his own perspective, and that vision is troop withdrawal as soon as possible; better to spend money in America then to help the Iraqis: the war cost to much; willing to give precedence to Iran, even though their stated position is the obliteration of Israel.  I can't vote for such things, for such ideas. 

    Arvin as for me, I can't stand the fact that Mr. Obama pacifies abortion, as if it is no big deal; pacifies homosexuality, as if there is no text that says it is upside-down, that it is unnatural; that he foments hatred in his supporters, by pivotally speaking of George Bush in derogatory terms and belittling speech, rather than just stating his difference of belief, about Foreign Affairs; that is, mainly the War on Terror in Iraq.