Eheads At the Fountain

Sallies Blog
Friday, December 17, 2010 14:19:31

    Sallies Barack (bob) Obama has an agenda, and it is not to remember Lincoln's and America's call, "A government of the people, by the people, and for the people."  No his agenda is, to make government bigger and to dictate terms, as he did at General Motors; instead of being a solution finder, a technician, a mechanic, he was a contender.   Now it may be true that America's people have been asleep at the wheel, but a politician for the American way would wake them up, not try to create a government: of the government, by the government, and for the government, as it appears he is doing.

Arvin my grievances with him is not only his approach to finding a health care solution, of America,  by America, and for America; no, it is with the platform he wants to establish: berating people who disagree with him and a system of bigger government, instead of creating jobs in the private sector.