Eheads At the Fountain

Sallies Blog
Friday, December 17, 2010 14:19:31

    Sallies one thing that will always be true, in this upside down time of ours, what we do will speak louder that what we say.  Through his eloquence of distortion, Obama has appointed Czars in innumerous aspects, without senate confirmation; he has not helped the people of Iraq, the way, America has promised they would; he flip flops on the public option for health insurance, perhaps as strategy, and as well, fudges the numbers of the uninsured; and too, he has reached into the private sector and fired an employee, which is something no other President, outside of Carter would ever think of doing.  Frankly, I say this last thing with an incomplete history of American Presidents.

Arvin I don't think people understand, the seriousness, of a President firing a private sector employee; governmental action like this, is why, there was an America Revolutionary War in the first place!  In illustration: say the mayor of your town, fires, a Wal-Mart employee, for whatever the reason.  The people at Wal-Mart say,  "Hey don't fire him, except for the ones wanting his job, he's doing his job well."  Still the Mayor or President, as it may be, says, "No he's fired."  This is what  happened in essence at GM.  Now in my consideration, the only reason Obama did this, "Was to put a scare into Americans, who oppose him," which shows he's thinking more like an Autocrat, seeking power with a bunch of Czars-Plutocrats then as congress, senate, and President of a Republic.  He is offering a flimsy health insurance, at best, at the cost of our America's heritage, America's course, and America's liberty.  His fruits are not of a problem solver, but of a rhino in a closet.