Eheads At the Fountain

Sallies Blog

    Sallies not passing the bill to relieve the debt has consequences that effect retirees, but the CEO's who should be held accountable are like prim roasters, strutting in the yard and no accountability touches them.  These guy deserve a wage, but they don't deserve a pat-on-the-back when they either didn't do their jobs, weren't capable of doing their jobs, or were corrupt in their jobs.

    Arvin when it comes to 700 billion dollars that amount of money is more than a number on paper, and its effect is probably hard to tally, with 100% accuracy.  Yet, when we hear that retirees are the people who are losing that has a disheartening effect.  Still, I would like to define, what is meant, when it is said retiree: "Is it the person who barely has enough to get by on or is it the person who may have to give a round of golf?"  Who is being talked about when it is said retirees are suffering, for retirees come in all sizes and shapes.  If it is one of those retired CEO's it is a little hard to be sympathetic.  Yet if it is a little old lady, who can no longer get to the market, because of loss of retirement income, then something is wrong....