Eheads At the Fountain

Sallies Blog
Friday, December 17, 2010 14:19:34

    Sallies have you heard about the new cosmetic surgery procedure, that takes body fat from the buttocks and implants it, into the breast, which of course leaves the new term for the dictionary, "butt-boobs."  

Arvin what's ironic, perhaps a persons, soul mate, is attracted typically, to small breasts and big butts, then the person with this cosmetic procedure, will be with a person who loves them, but silently wishes her breast were smaller and her butt was bigger - just can't win.  Plus a woman who opts for such procedures, will always be faced with the self image that she herself didn't believe, she was good enough, and will always be wondering, "Is my man attracted to me or my cosmetic surgery?"  Now what is best is to take care of your body, the best you can, with diet and exercise; knowing that it's health and well being needs constant attention.