Eheads At the Fountain

Sallies Blog
Friday, December 17, 2010 14:19:31

    Sallies, the Democrats keep telling us that they are helping the little guy, but all's I can see is that they are costing them more.  Now, they're trying to sue the phone companies, for the help they've giving, monitoring calls, from possible terrorist networks, and who will have to pay for the billions they are suing, the customer?  Plus, there are three things in our own State which smell of a corrupt disconnect: City talks about record profits, but needs more tax dollars; the Cable companies willy-nilly increases cost after take over, and are now seeking another increase; State seeks more money for hotel, which was already costing the citizen.  Now, I don't know if these things are connected to the Democrats, but they are happening on their watch. 

    Arvin they're having fun, just leave them alone.