Eheads At the Fountain

Sallies Blog
Friday, December 17, 2010 14:19:32

    Sallies ending abortion is not about putting doctors or others into jail, with criminal charges; it is about being responsible for our behavior; it is about not killing little babies anymore; it is about encouraging a society of people who understand the gift, the honor, the goodness, the truth, and the love of their sexuality: and, not using it for money, power, position, and any other corruptible thing.  Anyone that suggests it is to incriminate individuals is not understanding, what it is we are doing, to ourselves, every time we allow another abortion.

    Arvin the idea that unwanted pregnancies happen, shows, that we are not doing a good job of raising people, to become responsible adults.  If it takes a village to raise a child, then I would say, with nearly 60,000 abortion in Illinois every year, the village is not well.