Eheads At the Fountain

Sallies Blog

    Sallies if you watch the news there is definitely a mixed message, when it comes to exercise.  One time it's said, this much running is needed to get any benefit; then it's said, all that is needed is 15 minutes, a couple times a week and other messages, too, but for me I think, some is better than none.  Anyway, some days it could be far more healthy just to rest, then others days, a person just may be raring to go.  Now just getting outside at all, is generally good, even if a person is just pushing their: wheel chair, taking a walk, a hike, a run, playing ball, or Frisbee - any activity is better than the activity of being a couch potato.   So I'd liked to say to the news media, "just lay off or at least get your story straight."

    Arvin I guess they say, you need to run a certain amount if your training for something, like the Olympics, a marathon, or public opinion, rather than just trying to have overall good health.  And then again maybe, they have feelings of guilt about their own exercise activities, so they embellish the news to make themselves feel better?