Eheads At the Fountain

Sallies Blog
Friday, December 17, 2010 14:19:31

    Sallies have you noticed this irony: it's taken from Christ's word, "judge and you will be judge," but some have taken this to mean that God's word should not be professed or lived truthfully and honestly: they only want God's word, when it supports their position and then, they deny God's word, when it says their behavior is sinful, unnatural, and yes barbaric. 

    Arvin, what gets me is when a woman commits an abortion, with a coat hanger in a dark alley, we all see that it is barbaric.  So how we as individuals, in society, have come to believe that a woman has the right to kill the life that is in her, this child, this fetus is obdurate.  ...Do we abort are children simply out of convenience?  Isn't that more hideous and barbaric, since it is done in a sterile clinic?