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Tuesday, August 1st 2023

Memorial of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

·         Exodus 33:7-11; 34:5-9 & 28

·         Psalms 103:6-13

·         Matthew 13:36-43

Christians, Christ Jesus sows good seed: but the evil one, the tempter, and those desires of the flesh that are sinful, and then also, the lack of knowledge and understanding of God’s words and teachings, and the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches, and being influenced by those, whose politics favor and prefer sin and darkness choke the word, and these, then, do not have the good works and deeds of faithfulness to Christ Jesus’s Gospel of spirit and life….  Now Christians, God, our Heavenly Father, the Lord, Jehovah, Yahweh: said, unto Moses, depart from this place, and go up to the land that was promised to Abraham….  Yes, on the way to the promise land: God, our Heavenly Father did, as God did to Sodom and Gomorrah, removed a polluted sinful people: the Canaanite’s, Amorite’s, Hittite’s and Perizzite’s, and, by the way, these, were descendants of Noah: only one son, of Noah, did what was right and good in the sight of God, our Heavenly Father….  Now most interesting, God our Heavenly Father told to Moses that he would not go up in the midst of them, for they were a stiff-necked people, and God did not go up with them lest he consume them, as they travelled to the land of promise…. Again, do not think, the people, that the Israelites met upon the way were any better: for God our Heavenly Father did consume them through various means and through the strength of His invisible hand….  God our Heavenly Father favors who He wills, but He does not treat us with partiality: no unrepented sin goes left unpunished….  The Israelites, because of God our Heavenly Father’s admonishment were grieved and mourned: they, then stripped themselves of their ornaments and went to the promise land as plain people….  As they travelled the many days and seasons, through the Sinai, Desert, towards the Jordan, River, the Sea of Galilee and the many lands, around Mount Mariah where Abraham was to sacrifice, his son, Isaac: Moses pitched the tabernacle tent, outside of the regular camp….  Moses’s conversations were face-to-face with God our Heavenly Father, and Moses was a consultant….  Yes Christians, the Lord Christ Jesus has called us, and He is holy, so we too are to be holy in all manner of our conversations….  It is written, “Be holy, for God our Heavenly Father, the Lord is holy.”  Remember, we were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, nor from vain conversations, received, through tradition from those who came before us….  Yes, Christians, let us consider the time and the happenings that were the lives of the Israelites during the Exodus….  First, they were freed from Pharaoh with the mighty hand of God our Heavenly Father; they were not freed because of their own wills, but because God our Heavenly Father called Moses, to fulfill His promise that He made to Abraham….  It is written, by Moses that the waters of the Red Sea were higher than the heads of the Egyptians, while standing on their chariots, and again God, our Heavenly Father delivered them from their captivity….  The Israelites soon forgot the almighty works of God, our Heavenly Father, delivering them from Egypt – for their bellies groaned for a different food; they were scared about not having water; some rose up against Moses believing themselves that they should be leader, while only Moses was called….  While Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Law from God our Heavenly Father, the children of Israel, which included the old and the young had corrupted themselves; moreover, they fashioned a graven image, made by their own hands and then began to worship it as a god....  Still, the Israelites were not alone when it came to worshipping false gods!  For the people, in what is now known as the Middle East also worshipped idols….  Understand, Christians, the people watched Moses, and again, in what could only be recognized as something truly supernatural: while Moses was in the tent a column of cloud would come down and stand at the tents entrance; undoubtedly, showing the Israelites that Moses was not just fooling around inside the tent, but truly, Moses was in conversation with the Lord God of all creation, our Heavenly Father….  Notably, Joshua, son of Nun, who was at the tent with Moses would remain at the tent, when Moses would come back into the camp….  Now Christians, let us not forget the most important shield of faith as witnessed to us by Saint Paul, Apostle, for the fiery arrows of deception, lies and distortions are shot at us even when and perhaps, especially when, we are trying to clearly understand, know, and hear the witnessed testimonies about how God the Father, the Son our Lord Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit interact within our consciences, our hearts and minds on a moment-to-moment bases….  Yes Christians, God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the same today, yesterday and forever, so we understand that when the Lord God, our Heavenly Father passed before Moses and cries out, “God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are merciful and gracious, God is slow to anger and rich in kindness for a thousand generations: forgiving of wickedness and crime and sin; yet not declaring the guilty guiltless, but punishing children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation for their father’s wickedness!”  Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful….  Amen….


Tuesday, August 8th 2023

Memorial of Saint Dominic, Priest

·         Numbers 12:1-13

·         Psalm 51:3-7 & 12-13

·         John 1:49

·         Matthew 14:22-36

Christians do we not see Christ Jesus installing faith: for this testimony says that Christ Jesus made them get into the boat, and precede, him, to the other side; how could it not have been in the minds and hearts of these men: where is he going; is he going to leave us; and so on and so forth….  Still, what we see is Christ Jesus went to pray, by himself, as in going into an inner room, and praying there in private; whereas, the Lord, the Son of God was consulting, God, our Heavenly Father….  Remember, Christ Jesus was fully and completely man but was also, fully and completely God, that being, something only God can achieve….  Also remember, that Christ Jesus for our sake was made sin, he, who did not know sin, so that we might be made the righteousness of God in him, becoming, one with Christ Jesus: as Saint John says, in the Gospel of John: “that they also may be one in us!”  Then, Christians, what do we see next? we see a storm upon the sea and the disciples terrified that there was a ghost, a specter, of some sort coming toward them….  Our Lord Christ Jesus says to them, take courage, do not be afraid….  Then our beloved Apostle, Peter, says, if it is you Lord command me to come to you on the water, so Peter begins to walk on the water!  Christians, let us look a little closer at this exchange, between Christ Jesus and the Apostle Peter, as Saint Peter began to walk on the water, but got afraid because of the ferocity of the storm: do we not see and understand that yes the Apostle Peter walked on the water and then began to sink; that Peter called out save me Lord, and then immediately our Lord Christ Jesus stretches out his hand, and pull Saint Peter backup to a place of walking or standing on the water; is that not what is witnessed in this testimony?  Next, we see Saint Peter and also Christ Jesus make their way to the boat, and climb into the boat, while they were both standing on the water: during all this exchange between Peter and our Lord the seas were storming….  However, after they both got into the boat the sea’s storm began to settle, and then they both continued on the journey to the other side of the sea....  Christians, imagine Saint Peter as an older person, thinking back on this occurrence, and how this momentary exchange between the Apostle Peter and Christ Jesus our Lord comforted him, strengthen him, but also gave him perspective – we are to live by every word that has proceeded out of the mouth of God and we are to build our lives upon, this Gospel of Christ Jesus -- not just listen to it, but to actively seek to build our hearts and minds on Christ Jesus’s Gospel: by casting down imaginations and taking captive every thought, and then, also, every high thing that rises up against the word of spirit and life, we are then to bring these, things, under the truth and grace of Christ Jesus’s Gospel….  Now Christians, Moses was exiled from his people that were living in Egypt….  He married a Cushite woman, while in his exile, and with this woman Moses had a family….  Now in this timeline, the Israelites had received the Law of Moses given to him from God….  There, also, was a general bias, from Moses’s sister and brother, Mariam and Aaron, against this Cushite woman: either they believed that she was not good enough for Moses or some other human characteristic….  However, before it is screamed racism, let us also remember that when in the time after the dispersion, the Israelite people were not to marry outside of the tribes of Jacob...!  As well, Solomon was warned not to marry outside of his people….  Still, as we read these testimonies of Exodus and Numbers, about the trials and tribulation of the Israelites, as they were freed from captivity by the mighty hand of God our Heavenly Father, we do see the suggestion of envy from Miriam and then from Aaron: but Miriam was Miriam and Aaron was Aaron and Moses was Moses, and there was no need for envy, for God blessed each of them with their individual lives….  It is interesting that with the Law of Moses, so came the recognition of sin and sinfulness, and during this time, they did not have the grace and truth of Christ Jesus; whereas to be obedient by faith….  Yes, they were slaves to their flesh, and could not call upon our Lord Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit to help them overcome their sins of envy; of course, that is assuming that they wanted to overcome their sinful flesh, instead of preferring their envy against Moses -- on a pretext that they did not like Moses’s marriage….  They did have a sin offering that the High Priest could offer to God if they wanted to be freed and receive atonement for their envy, but Aaron was the High Priest and their envy was against Moses, so there was truly no ready remedy for them to make atonement for their sins; again, that is if they wanted to make atonement or if they, rather, chose to accept the peer-pressure of those speaking against Moses for being married to a Cushite….  Now it is little understood or recognized being that Miriam and Aaron had to ask, “Is it through Moses alone that the Lord speaks?” that they: did not understand or recognize the difference between God speaking through Moses and their consciences, so as a choice of will, they were envious instead of holy….  Now, it is written that in those days God called the three: Moses, Miriam and Aaron to judgment….  God said unto Miriam and Aaron that He converses face-to-face with Moses, and throughout God’s house, a mansion of many rooms, that Moses bears God our Heavenly Father’s trust….  God’s anger fell upon Miriam, for when God departed from this conversation, they looked about themselves, and found Miriam was covered with leprosy….  God our Heavenly Father forgave Miriam, but not until after seven days; this proverb God did remind them: if her father had spit in her face, she should know her shame for seven days; therefore, put Miriam outside of the camp, for seven days, and then, after, let her receive atonement….  Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful….  Amen…. 


Tuesday, August 15th 2023

Prayerfully Remembering the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

·         1 Chronicles 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2 & Revelation 11:19; 12:1-6 & 10

·         Psalm 132:6-7, 9-10 & 13-14 & Psalm 45:10-13 & 16

·         1 Corinthians 15:54-57 & 1 Corinthians 15:20-27

·         Luke 11:28

·         Luke 11:27-28 & Luke 1:39-56

Christians, Christ Jesus never failed to set people straight, to admonish them, saying: no! woman, rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it….  Now Christians, God our Heavenly Father’s love for us is unconditional, and the Lord God, Christ Jesus will reward each of us unconditionally: to those who refuse to repent and turn away from their wickedness and their sinful lives, Christ Jesus will reward them with eternal condemnation of their souls – being cast into the lake of unquenchable fire: whereas, to those who acknowledge their sins and sinfulness and go and sin no more, that is, turn away from their sin, repent of their sins, these our Lord Christ Jesus will reward and welcome with eternal life in His eternal kingdom….  Yes! Christ Jesus’s love is unconditional; for indeed, God’s wrath is upon us, as Saint Paul, Apostle, teaches: that indeed the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against every impiety and wickedness of people, those who hold and suppress the truth by and through the unrighteousness….   Again, Christ Jesus’s love for us is unconditional and it is without condition that unless we repent of our sins and sinfulness we will perish: Christ Jesus teaches that we are to preach repentance for the forgiveness of sins, in His name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem….  Christ Jesus’s Gospel is a Gospel of repentance!  God our Heavenly Father so loved the world that he gave His only Son to be sacrificed on the cross for us….  This crucifixion is an eternal sacrifice that replaces the sacrifices that God our Heavenly Father prescribed for us, through Moses….  Now, through and in Christ Jesus, we must confess and acknowledge our sins in our hearts and minds, and then, we must go and sin no more, we are to turn away from our sins: repentance, means to turn away from our sin and go and sin no more….  Yes, Christians, we are commanded to love the Lord God our Heavenly Father the God of Jacob-Israel with all of our heart, all of our mind, with all of our strength, and with all of our soul!  Now Christians, David, King, a man, as after the heart of God, so said: God our Heavenly Father, brought the Ark of the Covenant, from the tent it was residing to Jerusalem; it was Jeremiah, who took the Ark of the Covenant and hid it in the wilderness….  Truly, we may glean from the way the ArchAngel Michael contended with the devil, in the dispute over the body of Moses, which was done without railing accusation, rather, the ArchAngel Michael said: I rebuke you in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus and the devil was sent to the deep – he, the devil had no recourse but to obey the rebuke of ArchAngel Michael, and that it is likely this Ark of the Covenant is no longer on the earth, but was claimed by God through His Angels….  Furthermore, it is not through the Ark that our strength as Christians resides; rather, our strength is in the word of spirit and life: for it answers every question of heart and mind!  Moreover, ours is not a wrestling against flesh and blood, but is a wrestling against spiritual wickedness in high places: first, we wrestle in our hearts and minds and then through our obedience through faith, to Christ Jesus our Lord: His way, truth, and life become manifest in our lives….  In faith and truth, we believe and come to know our belief: that there is nothing: not death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord….  Yes, Christians, remember, it is by Christ Jesus’s, grace, that was established because of His crucifixion and resurrection and through faith that we are saved, and this is not from us; rather it is a gift from God, our Heavenly Father; it is not from works, so no one may boast….  We do not belong to the world any more than does Christ Jesus belong to the world: we are to be consecrated in truth: Christ Jesus’s Gospel is truth….  Moreover, when we take the great gift of repentance, unto ourselves, and with Christ Jesus’s grace turn from our sins and go and sin no more, then, truly, we receive Christ Jesus’s grace: we are literally taking into ourselves this grace that is omnipresent, like air, that was established by and through Christ Jesus’s crucifixion and His resurrection from the dead….  Yes. Christians, King David, the son of Jesse, second king of Israel had prepared a place for the ark of the Lord, and the Levites bore the ark of God on their shoulders, with poles, as Moses had ordained, which was according to the Word of God our Heavenly Father….  Yes, Christians, let us too prepare a place, for our Lord Christ Jesus, that being: loving God our Heavenly Father with all of our heart and mind, and our soul -- our lives, and with all our strength: being mindful that Christ Jesus taught us through His word in parables; that He taught us with His word – the Beatitudes of blessings; that Christ Jesus taught us with commands and sayings, such as: do good to those who hate you; bless those who curse you; and pray for those who mistreat you….  As well, in obedience through faith and remembrance of King David’s rightful obedience: let us carry our lives, in, by and through the words and teachings of Christ Jesus’s Gospel, as David did as God, our Heavenly Father commanded and carried the Ark of the Covenant with poles, on the shoulders of men….  Yes, Christian the kingdom of heaven is at hand and our number may be up today, so let us repent of our sins and believe in Christ Jesus’s Gospel of repentance for the forgiveness of sin….  Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful….  Amen….


Tuesday, August 22nd 2023

Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

·         Judges 6:11-24

·         Psalm 85:9,11-14

·         2 Corinthians 8:9

·         Matthew 19:23-30

Christians, Christ Jesus describes the impossibility of a rich person, to be able to enter into the kingdom of heaven, saying: in illustration that a camel, which is a huge animal – some are of the single-humped kind, while others are of a doubled-humped – that it would be easier for one of these large camel animals to pass through the eye of a needle, the opening on a needle, which is no larger than a single-thread: this is how impossible it is for a rich person to enter into the kingdom of heaven….  Still, even more than this: for the Apostles asked, then who can be saved?  Christ Jesus said: that for men it is impossible to be saved!  Yet, Christ Jesus shows us how our salvation is by and through God our Heavenly Father: Jesus saying, no person can come unto him unless God the Heavenly Father calls them and that no person can come to God the Heavenly Father except through the Son, our Lord Christ Jesus….  Moreover, it is by and through the grace that Christ Jesus established through His sacrificial crucifixion that we are saved, and not by works, not by doing things to purchase our way into heaven, and this grace is not from us, but is from God….  Again, this, Christ Jesus’s crucifixion was truly a sacrifice, for Christ Jesus testifies: it is not you who takes my life from me; rather it was Christ Jesus who laid down His life for us….  Long, before, Christ Jesus came to the moment, for that he came into the world: thus, to be a living sacrifice for the sin of Adam and for the sins of humankind – Christ Jesus told His Apostles that God our Heavenly Father had given Him this command: that Christ Jesus had the power to lay down his life and to pick it up again….  Therefore, we should see and understand, without doubt, that Christ Jesus, indeed, did willingly give up His life to crucifixion for our, humankinds, sins…  In human terms, we understand if we do something like steal or kill or speed on the highways, if caught, there is a penalty to be paid: so too throughout the heavens, if man, humankind sins there must be a penalty to be paid, a sacrifice, and Christ Jesus is this eternal sacrifice for the sins and sinfulness of humans….  Now although, we might not get caught doing the illegal things of men, there is no escaping our Lord Christ Jesus’s judgment!  So therefore, we understand that the salvation of men and women: on their own recognizant, their own merit, their own works is impossible, and that each individual human, through, the grace and truth that Christ Jesus established, must work out their own salvation: we do this confessing-work, by repenting of our sins and sinfulness….  So, let us rightly see, understanding, that as impossible as it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, God our Heavenly Father has made humankind’s salvation possible by and through Christ Jesus’s grace, and we receive this grace – the way we receive this sacrificial gift of grace is by confessing our sins, that being: acknowledging our sin and sinfulness, turning away from our sin and sinfulness, repenting, and then going and sinning no more; moreover, also of being of a heart and mind of charity-love: if you have two coats or meat to eat give to those who do not have a warm coat and give to those who do not have meat to eat: as worthy fruits of repentance, which are a part of true repentance….  Yes Christians, let us help those that God would have us help, so they too can bring gifts unto the Lord God our Heavenly Father: the creator of all that is seen and unseen: it is for the disciple as Saint Paul teaches, warning, every person in all wisdom; that we may present every person perfect in Christ Jesus….  As well, Christians, let us not be arrogant nor divisive: for although Christ Jesus says that it is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, He also said that for all humankind: it is impossible to enter, except, by and through the grace that God our Heavenly Father established through His Son our Lord Christ Jesus….  So, whether we are a rich person, financially blessed or if we are poor, it is impossible to enter into the kingdom of heaven except by and through the grace that is of Christ Jesus our Lord….  Now Christians, when we read this testimony from the Book of Judges, it may occur to us that the Angel that was sitting under the terebinth, in Ophrah that belonged to Joash, the Abiezrite was waiting for a opportune moment to approach Gideon; being as, Gideon was beating out wheat by the wine press….  Christians how many times is it testified too, that an Angel of the Lord God our Heavenly Father approached this person or that individual, and yet, in fear of being ridiculed by the world, by those who do not believe in God, our Heavenly Father the creator of heaven and the earth, we deny and shy away from faithful testimony because we cannot prove that an Angel did such a thing as the Bible does testify….  Let us be forgiving; let us be merciful; let us be repentant; and let us live in the goodness that is Christ Jesus’s eternal kingdom….  Remember, Saint John, Apostle’s testimony: we have heard and declare, unto humankind, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all….  Wherefore, we also remember Christ Jesus’s testimony: this then is the condemnation, that light came into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil….  So, the Angel of the Lord God of all creation said unto Gideon, you are my champion!  Still, Gideon rightly asked the Angel, how am I to understand what you are saying to me is true, and that you are not some sort of deception?  The Angel answered, because the Lord will be with you….  Next, Gideon appeals to the Angel to wait until he brought an oblation, and the Angel answered: that he would wait Gideon’s return with the oblation….  The Angel of God our Heavenly Father said unto Gideon: put your offering here on this flat rock, and Gideon did as the Angel spoke; hence, the Angel touched the meat, unleavened cakes, and the broth with the tip of his staff that he held, and there came a fire upon the rock, which consumed the oblation that Gideon had offered….  Gideon, then, realized that he had witnessed the countenance of one of God our Heavenly Father’s angelic creatures, and he was feared….  God answered unto Gideon, “Be calm, do not fear....  You shall not die.”  Truly Christians, in these few verses of testimony we see a paradox: although it is absolutely true that we are to fear the Lord and not those men and women who prefer the evil of darkness, for fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; nonetheless, the Lord said to Gideon, “Do not fear!”  Therefore, we must realize that the fear mentioned in these verses, although it is fear, they are not of the same nature….  Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful….  Amen….


Tuesday, August 29th 2023

Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist

·         1 Thessalonians 2:1-8

·         Psalms 139:1-5

·         Matthew 5:10

·         Mark 6:17-29

Christians, this reading in Mark has to do with adultery: Herod was an adulterer for he had married his brother’s wife….  Herodias, the adulteress wife of Herod held a grudge against John, the Baptist for speaking the truth!  Now Christians, some in today’s, times, misunderstand the teaching of Christ Jesus -- taking away the sin of the world, and they believe then: that they are free to live sinful lives….  Yet, Christ Jesus teaches us that although we are no longer under the law but are under the spirit that now even if we look at a woman, a person, with lust in our eyes and in our heart that we have committed the sin of adultery, which is even far more strict; therefore, get this notion out of your hearts and minds, for it is false and an error of understanding – that there are no more sins, since Christ Jesus took away the sin of the world, and know with certainty that Christ Jesus taught: lest you repent, you will all perish….  Yes, we are to first seek the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s righteousness: God our Heavenly Father is love, in him there is no darkness at all, and love is not the indulgence of sin but is going forth to all nations, and in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus, beginning at Jerusalem preaching repentance for the forgiveness of sin….  Furthermore, since now even if we look at a person with lust, we commit adultery, adultery, at least, being a natural act, but how much more are we now accountable for committing the unnatural sins of bestiality, homosexuality, and the idolatry of bearing false witness, believing, something other than that God made us male and female, and then God the Heavenly Father declared and saw that it, making human beings male and female, was good….  Now Christians, the holiness of Saint Paul, Apostle, being determined to share with the people of Thessalonia not only the Gospel of God, but to share their lives, themselves as well -- is easily perverted by one of Satan’s lying tongues: the goodness and truth of Saint Paul sharing the Gospel of God with the Thessalonians is characteristic of the holiness of the people during King David’s reign, and not! the filth of the days of king Ahab, husband of Jezebel, the idolatrous rulers, these of the divided northern kingdom of Samaria: Ahab and Jezebel were rulers of filthy people, those who preferred darkness, Ahab closely followed in the footsteps of Jeroboam, the First, he being known as the person through whom caused the people of Israel to sin….  Still, lest we forget: unto us a child was born, a Son was given: the government shall be upon his shoulder: His name shall be called Wonderful, the mighty God, Counseller, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, and of His government and peace there shall be no end!  Yet, again, lest we forget: this does not mean that we do not have to go through what was written, and we must and will have to contend with the shaking of the heavens and the earth as the Book of Revelation does forecast; however, we should not get into laments, mourning, and believing this or that exact thing will come to pass: for what will come to pass will be directed by God our Heavenly Father’s hand and not men’s understanding of the figurative words from the Book of Revelation….  Moreover, we are to live as if tomorrow is not promised and that sufficient is the evil of this day….  Yes, sufficient of this day is the evil thereof, and we are to remember that Christ Jesus did overcome the world, and told us to be of good cheer!  Therefore, let us be faithful in Christ Jesus, and indeed be of good cheer until the time that Christ Jesus does come again to judge, to separate the repentant from the unrepentant; to separate those who are obedient through faith and those who are pretending or do not even care about the return of Christ Jesus, a day that will be tremendous but will also be of trembling: Christians, work out your salvation in fear and trembling….  Now, Christians, let us examine this phrase uttered by Saint Paul, Apostle, Paul saying: that they were allowed of God….  Consider the verses right before this and as will those that come after, but also, perhaps memory will recall that Christ Jesus testified that we reap what we sow, and Saint Paul was sowing and watering the seeds of Christ Jesus’s Gospel and was additionally allowed, of God, to be put in trust of God’s Gospel: Saint Paul did not testify to what was pleasing to men nor to women; rather the Apostle Paul, saint, with a tried heart testifies, accordingly, so as to please God our Heavenly Father….  Again, another verse may also come to your memory, that being, to those who have they will be given but to those who do not have even what they have will be taken away from them: now, of course, this verse is not only figurative but it is literal and it is spiritual and it is also manifested, in the physical world….  So, again, we see and understand that God, our Lord Christ Jesus allowed Saint Paul to testify, rightly, and to run the race of being a faithful apostle and disciple of Christ Jesus: loving God the Heavenly Father with all of his heart, mind, soul and strength and loving the neighbor as he loved himself; Saint Paul loved himself in accordance with Christ Jesus’s Gospel of spirit and life and not according to the sinful flesh, which is of no avail…. It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail….  Let us, again, look at these verses: Paul, saint and Apostle and those brothers who were with him suffered and were treated insolently; they drew courage through God – perhaps this drawing of courage was through prayer, but Saint Paul was also a chosen sojourner; Saint Paul was allowed to continue the exhortation of Christ Jesus’s Gospel of spirit and life; the disciples testified to God’s Gospel not from delusion nor impure motives, nor did they work to deceive any person….  They testified Christ Jesus’s Gospel -- pleasing God -- remembering that in God there is only light and there is no darkness at all….  The disciples and Paul, saint and Apostle did testify God our Lord Christ Jesus’s Gospel, but not in a manner to please men, but testified Christ Jesus’s Gospel, since, Christ Jesus is the way, the truth and the life….  The apostles did not seek praise from men, but first sought the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s righteousness; thus, living in the peace that Christ Jesus gave unto humankind and the complete joy so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus’s Gospel of repentance for the forgiveness of sin….  Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful….  Amen….  




