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Tuesday, December 3rd 2024

Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, Priest

·         Isaiah 11:1-10

·         Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13 &17

·         Luke 10:21-24

Christians, Christ Jesus is testifying and praying about the perception that has been lost from the wise and the prudent, for they have lost their innocents of faith in God the Heavenly Father: the faith that God has revealed and is manifest in one of these faithful ones, these children of God.  Now Christians, the Prophet Isaiah, God the Heavenly Father’s faithful child testifies that a rod of the stem of Jesse will come forth, and indeed, Christ Jesus is a Son of Jacob-Israel and is a Son of David, the King.  Now the many things that preceded this prophecy, from God the Heavenly Father’s Prophet Isaiah: is a wrathful lament that is to come upon the rebellious children of Israel.  The prophet Isaiah testifies of the Israeli people, of course this does not mean all the people, but it is concerning the kings of Judah and Jerusalem – interestingly, Samaria, Israel is not even mentioned in this beginning address, and perhaps we may rightly interpret this: that Samaria, Israel had given themselves up to wickedness, evil, that is, immorality, perversion, murder and idolatry that Isaiah testifies; Judah had become worse than Gomorrah: Samaria, Israel throughout the divided kingdom time period was always less faithful than Judah.  Christians, so Isaiah testifies of these people who erred, because of some of the kings of Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord God our Heavenly Father: they did wickedness and rebellion, being like a people who did not know their own home; they were a people who did not know their own lives and considered not the honor of their forefathers nor of their present lives: they did similar to what Saint Paul testifies of the Corinthians: they sinned against their own bodies.  Yes, Christians, God the Heavenly father testified against these people, through the Prophet Isaiah, calling them: a sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, seeds of evildoers – so not only them, but their parents, and they were children who were corrupters: forsaking the Lord God and are a people who have morally, corruptly, pridefully and arrogantly gone backwards; instead of forward in faith and goodness and love of neighbor as God the Lord Christ Jesus has loved us, which Christ Jesus’s love for us is according to the words and teachings of God the Heavenly Father.  Yes, Christians, a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse and a rod shall come forth from the stem of Jesse, the father of King David, and the great grandson, to many generations, from Jacob-Israel: this blossom is the king of kings, the Lord of Lords, and the Eternal Father; he is Wonderful and Counseller, a Mighty God, The Prince of Peace; and of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end: government shall be upon his shoulders.  Moreover, Christians, Isaiah prophesied that the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength; a Spirit of the knowledge and of the fear of the Lord God the Heavenly Father, and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord, the creator of heaven and the earth.  Yes, Christians, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom: to order it in God the Heavenly Father’s righteousness and to establish it with judgment and with justice; these things will be established henceforth even for ever upon the throne of David, the king.  Christians, It will not be by appearance that he shall judge; rather with judgment and righteousness.  Hence, Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, spoke praise to God the Heavenly Father.  Now, at that time, Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying: blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited his people.  Yes, in Jesus Christ, God the Heavenly Father did raise up a horn of salvation, for the house of his servant David: as God did speak from the mouths of his Holy Prophets and this has occurred since the world did begin: that we should be saved from our enemies, and from all those who hate us – this unfortunately would also include members of their own households.  Remember, Christ Jesus testifies that members of our own house would be at variance and that he did not come to bring peace, but a sword.  Yes, Christians, Zacharias continues, while in this slain in the Holy Spirit soliloquy discourse: that God did perform the mercy promised to their forefathers, and God the Heavenly Father did remember his covenant; the oath which he swore unto the children of their father Abraham.  Yes, God the Heavenly Father promised and would grant: the being delivered out of the hands of their enemies, so that without fear, they would be able to serve the way, the truth and the life in holiness and righteousness before God all the days of their lives.  Yes Christians, the Lord God of Israel has sent a word into the world and God the Heavenly Father’s word does not return to him without first accomplishing the purpose for that he sent it!  Truly, Christians, man’s imagination is one thing; humankind’s deciphering of God’s purpose is an imagination of coming events, while we cannot even imagine what the end of this day will bring even if that day is a Groundhog Day: ironically each day being the same day, but no two days were alike and events and occurrences had subtle and sometime monumental differences.  Truly, Christians, Christ Jesus will not judge by hearsay, hearsay being: information spoke among people that cannot be shown to be true; rather, with justice will he judge: justice being meet, true, loving, just, charitable, faithful, patient, gentle, generous, kind, good and in right standing with God’s, the creator of heaven and the earth, word, that being God the Heavenly Father’s righteousness.  Now Christians, let us consider this next line carefully and with more intention: Isaiah testifies that Christ Jesus will judge the poor with justice, but we should not then think or believe that Christ Jesus would do any thing less for the rich; indeed, Christ Jesus will reward each of us according to our deeds and we should pray for nothing less, but rather, we should realize that we must worship in spirit and truth: Christ Jesus’s words are consecrated truth.  Moreover, Isaiah is testifying to how the kings: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah and also, likely the kings of Samaria, Israel, those who perform corruption by stealth and undermining and underhandedness did steal the lands and wealth of citizens: they being covetous and not of the righteousness of God the Heavenly Father -- no matter their pretense or false justifications: for their lights were darkness and not the love that is loving one another as Christ Jesus did love us, which Jesus’s love for us is according to the completeness of his Gospel of spirit and life.  Here again Christians, Isaiah is saying that the shoot of Jesse, this being Christ Jesus will strike the ruthless with a rod; truly, being rich or being poor, either may be ruthless.  Moreover, it is wrongheaded thinking to believe that all the rich are ruthless while all the poor are saints; rather, the rich as well as the poor are known by their fruits and deeds of life and each will be rewarded accordingly: it is not a bad deed to be rich nor is it a bad deed to be poor!  Christ Jesus teaches us what defiles a person and these things are the obvious sins of the flesh, among them are: evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, blasphemy, pride, foolishness, all evil things that come from within, and they defile a person.  Yes, Christians, so Isaiah testifies that the ruthless shall be struck with the rod of Christ Jesus’s mouth and this is the righteousness of God the Heavenly Father.  Now as well, the breath of Christ Jesus’s lips will slay the wicked, and these would be those who prefer the darkness over the true light of the Lord Christ Jesus.  Truly Christians do not have a false impression of who Christ Jesus is; rather know him by his word, Jesus testifies in the parable of a noble man: the last line is: but as for these enemies of mine, who did not want him to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me.  Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful.  Amen.   


Tuesday, December 10th 2024

The Second Week of Advent

·         Isaiah 40:1-11

·         Psalms 96:1-3 & 10-13

·         Matthew 18:12-14

Christians, Jesus Christ came not to destroy but to heal, and the way, the truth and life of receiving this healing is when we repent of our sin and sinfulness.  Truly, there can be no binding unless first there was repentance and there can be no loosing unless first there was repentance: for we are bound when our repentance is false and it is only lip service, and we only then loose when a repentance is sincere and in accordance with Christ Jesus’s Gospel of spirit and life.  Christ Jesus testifies: that he came to cast fire upon the earth, and believed that it would have been better, if these fires would have already been kindled!  Now Peter asked the Lord Christ Jesus of a parable and then, the Lord Jesus answered him with another parable: who is the faithful and wise steward!  The servant who is blessed is the person who is doing the will of God at all times: as our blessed Mother Mary said; let it be done to her according to God’s word.  Still, the servant who is not blessed is the person that begins to doubt if the master will ever return and begins to participate and to beat menservants and the maidservants, and to eat, to drink and even to participate or give place and wink at those who get drunk, for the faithless servant derives abhorrent pleasures from these.  However, the master of that servant will come and will punish the faithless hypocrite and put them with the unfaithful.  Truly, the person who knew the will of God, but did not make ready his way, truth and life shall receive a severe beating.  Moreover, the person who did not know the will of God, they shall receive a light beating: everyone to whom much is given, of this person much will be required and of the person whom men commit much they will demand the more.  Now Christians, it is a wide and broad and deep interesting thing that Isaiah says in this testimony; being as, the dispersion was right around the corner!  Moreover, this comfort that we will receive is of the Holy Spirit and not the indulgence of our sin and sinfulness.  Truly, in society we must seek justice.  Christians, it is one thing to legally punish homosexuals for their abomination, while it is another thing to turn our backs on children who are being sexually abused.  Christians from the book of revelation we learn the greatness of God our Lord Christ Jesus, for to Saint John Apostle he testifies: let the unjust, evildoer still do evil and the filthy still be filthy: let the righteous still do right and the holy still be holy; Christians, we should not think or believe that one verse of testimony cancels out another verse.  Rather, we should realize that by taking both the first testimony and another testimony, and then understand that they are independent from one another; yet, they help us to understand how far and wide and deep the word of God is manifest.  Christians, we also must remember the parable of the wheat and tares: for when Jesus, the Christ explains this parable, Jesus testifies that the weed and the wheat will grow together and then at harvest they will be separated and each will go to the place of their reward.  Christians, so yes, we must speak tenderly, and truly gentleness is a fruit of the holy spirit; yet, singularly, Saint Paul, Apostle testifies of the gifts of the holy spirit in the same chapter and paragraph to the Galatians as where, he also tells us of the obvious works of the flesh, saying: those with these sinful flesh deeds, in no way will they inherit the kingdom of God.  Therefore, Christians understand that God did allow the Israelites to be carried away in the dispersion to Babylon, but that he also had forgiven them and allowed them to rebuild the Temple.  Furthermore, Christians we see Isaiah testifying some seven hundred and fifty years before Saint John, the Baptist was baptizing at the Jordan, River, saying: that a voice cries out in the desert, prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God!  Now brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus do not fail to remember that Saint John testifies repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and that this repentance was the heralding: of filling every valley; making every mountain low; making the rugged plain; and the rough country a broad valley.  Yes, Christians, we wait now and watch now, for Christ Jesus’s return, as did the people of Judah and Jerusalem and as the people of the twelve-tribes waited and still wait for the promised Messiah: they waited thousands of years: from the time before Moses, through the reign of King David, to the time of the dispersion and Isaiah and Micah and then to the age of the Lord Christ Jesus.  Yes, Jesus is the word made flesh; in him was life and the life was the light of men.  Indeed, Christians, we were made in the image of God and God is holy, but sin entered into the world through Adam.  Now, the Lord Jesus, the Christ is the true light that lights every person who comes into the world.  Christ Jesus was in the world and he came to his own and his own did not receive him.  Still, Christians, as many who receive him, to them, the Lord Christ Jesus gave the power to become sons of God, that is, even those who believe on his name.  Now these, who receive him are not born of the blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but they are born of God.  Yes, the word was made flesh and the Apostles and disciples witnessed his glory, the glory of the only begotten of God the Heavenly Father, full of grace and truth.  Now Christians, whether these following verses uttered by Isaiah are figurative or they are literal prophecy is something that will become self-evident.  Still, we can realize them as both figurative and literal.  For the wolf is the evil doer who knows it best for him to leave the lamb alone: for the wolf hungers for the blood of the lamb and so too with the leopard and the kid.  With the calf and the lion: we may see a calf and a young lion at play with a child, but we may also see two countries of not many troops who know that the king is gracious and they find favor in service and fear that he may bring justice down upon them.  This is also true of the cow and the bear both realizing they are well fed and are only impudent to fear one another.  Therefore, Christians, realize that Christ Jesus, although was a human man but who is the heir of all things, and through who God the Heavenly Father created the universe.  Yes, realize he, Christ Jesus is the very expression, the refulgence of God the Heavenly Father’s glory and the very imprint of his being and sustains all things by his mighty word.  Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful.  Amen.   


Tuesday, December 17th 2024

The Third Week of Advent

·         Genesis 49:2 & 8-10

·         Psalm 72:1-4, 7-8 & 17

·         Matthew 1:1-17

Christians, when we read this first line of testimony from the Book of Matthew, the first thing we may notice is that it is a family thing; yes, Jesus, the Nazarene, the Christ is the Son of God: the creator of all things, the God of Jacob-Israel, and he, Jesus is a descendant of Jacob and of the House of David.  Now, what, we may and might have cognition of are things, such as: envy, jealousy, animosity, which is a pure absurdity: for who among us could have chosen to what family we were born into.  Still, the genealogy of Jesus Christ, it also shows us that not only did God the Heavenly Father choose certain descendants of Adam, but also of Noah and Abraham and Jacob-Israel, Boaz and Ruth, and David, the son of Jesse: to be not only the people, through who he, God would make himself known but the family through who God would make himself known.  Christians the testimony of evidence is that God, the Heavenly Father cast Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden because of Adam’s disobedience.  That God destroyed the world through the flood, but saved Noah, promising never to destroy the earth by water, again.  Then, God calls Abraham!  Years later, Jacob and the twelve-tribes, they go down into Egypt and prospered, but then became slaves: only to have God the Heavenly Father deliver them, from the slavery, in a mighty fashion.  The people through whom God chose to make himself known were promised the land of milk and honey, and that they would be free on this land, if they would keep his word; they did not!  These people, the descendants of Abraham and this certain family of Jacob-Israel promised to keep God’s commandments, statutes, decrees, and ordinances, which are now, not written on stone tablets but are now written on the hearts and minds of humankind, and if they did not keep these spiritual laws of righteousness that they would fall to the curses of the land: for this is the testimony declared by Christ Jesus unto humankind; God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.  Therefore, Christians, we see and understand that when Christ Jesus comes to reward each of us according to our deeds, he will separate the sheep from the goats – these being figurative for the repentant and the unrepentant.  Moreover, we should realize that Christ Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for all of humankind’s sin.  Therefore, now, when and if we sin, God the Heavenly Father does not look toward us sinners, but sees his Son, the Lord Christ Jesus who is the perfect sacrifice for our sins and sinfulness: so, we say Christ Jesus took away the sin of the world.  Still, it is also written that Christ Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead and of his kingdom there will be no end!  Moreover, it is not only Christ Jesus who will sit in judgment of humankind, but it will be the men of Nineveh, the Queen of the South, the twelve-apostles, and the Lord Christ Jesus.  Again, the judgment is between the repentant and unrepentant, the believers from the non-believers, and God, the Lord Christ Jesus will judge each of these according to their deeds: between those who preferred the darkness and those who chose to be obedient to the true light of Christ Jesus, the light of all humankind.  Now, Jesus testifies: whoever believes in him will be saved; therefore, the key word in this testimony is believe.  Christians, what does it mean to believe in Christ Jesus!  Truly, we know some individuals believe in Christ Jesus, but not as the Son of God, but as a great prophet; is this believing in Christ Jesus; no, it is not!  Saint John, the Apostle talks about those who were among them, but who were not really a part of them, these who believed that Christ Jesus’s return had already happened; Saint John calls these the anti-Christ.  Now this statement, anti-Christ, we should realize that the English language gives this phrase a sort of boogie-man effect, which likely does not happen if it is spoken in Hebrew.  For truly it means those who are against Christ Jesus, and as we see and know that it was first Saint John, the Apostle who called these certain individuals against Christ and this was within his lifetime; hence, we should not be swayed by any popular culture to who are those that are against Christ Jesus, but should do as Jesus, the Christ himself testifies: know a person by their fruits, their deeds, their works, their votes.  Now Christians, let us not look past any phrase of testimony: for the words teaches us about valuable happenings even when it is not a topic idea, but is the preface, of introduction, and the addressing of a topic, for instance: Jacob-Israel assembled his sons, so they would listen to his blessings and receive their blessings, which he had received from God the Heavenly Father.  The testimony of Jacob-Israel is indeed truly: a rousing account of a life lived in God the Heavenly Father’s bosom.  Christians, we should not forget that the people of Egypt were descendants of Noah as was Abraham, as was Jacob-Israel.  Also, Christians, we should not forget that the people who were neighbors, in the lands known as the Middle East, to Jacob-Israel were descendants of Noah: Noah’s sons were Shem, Japheth and Ham, and the line of Jacob-Israel and thus the House of David ran through Shem.  So, Jacob’s life was indeed blessed; Rebekah, Jacob’s mother was sterile.  Yet, Isaac, Rebekah’s husband and father of Jacob prayed to God for her, and Rebekah gave birth to two nations: the children fought so much in the womb that Rebekah had to consult the Lord God the Heavenly Father to what was happening with the children that jostled within her womb.  Yes, Rebekah’s two children were Jacob and Esau; it is written that God loved Jacob, but Esau God did hate!  Yes, Christians, again we see that God knows us while we are still in the womb: for Rebekah was told that two nations were about to be given birth through the children Jacob and Esau.  Now, remember, that Rebekah, Isaac’s wife and the birth of Jacob and Esau all happened before the twelve-tribes went down into Egypt.  Now, Jacob upon the last days of his earthly life called and assembled his sons, and prayed: listen to your father, but Christians, we should also remember that Jacob-Israel was given the name Israel because he wrestled with an angel and held him in check until the morning; where when, this angel of God gave him the name of Israel.  Thereupon, the Patriarch Jacob, who also received the name Israel, told to his twelve sons what was going to become of them, but Jacob did not prophesy that his son, Levi would portend the coming of Moses and the mighty things that God the Heavenly Father, through his servant, Moses, was about to cause to happen in the lives of the twelve tribes of Israel.  Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful.  Amen.


Tuesday, December 24th 2024

The Fourth Week of Advent

·         2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14 & 16

·         Psalm 89:2-5, 27 & 29

·         Luke 1:67-79

Christians, God the Heavenly Father’s promise, as Zechariah states in this testimony, is so we may be free from the hands of our enemies, free to worship him without fear, holy and righteous in his sight all the days of our lives, but when we look at what Christ Jesus testifies about these same: the pharisees, Sadducees, the elders, the priest; this is the condemnation: that light is come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.  Moreover, Christians, we also have this testimony from Christ Jesus: this people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; truly, Christians, we may say that people’s hearts were with their deeds and the things that they hoped to have held, but their deeds were not in the light of the words of spirit and life of the Lord Christ Jesus.  To sum up, they may have meant well, even if it went against Christ Jesus’s Gospel, but they failed to realize in the moment that their sin was sin; hence, we are now tremendously grateful that the Lord Christ Jesus is merciful and will receive our repentance and forgive us our sins and sinfulness.  Now Christians, David, the king was settled in his blessings that God the Heavenly Father had bestowed upon him, but he was restless about the ark of the covenant, the ark of God!  David, by happenstance or by summons called and then expressed his unrest to Nathan, the Prophet of God the Heavenly Father.  This prophet of God, Nathan answers the king: “Go do whatever you have in mind, for the Lord is with you.”  Christians, this is an open-ended statement, but it refers to one specific thing and not to any debased immorality that may come to mind nor any other disobedience that may occur to our wretched flesh.  Christians, consider this from the Gospel of Mark: James and John, the Sons of Zebedee came to the Lord Christ Jesus, saying to him: Teacher, we want or desire for you to do for us, whatever we may ask of you: now, it is clear that nothing that would debase or defile these two Apostles, James or John was on their minds to ask permission of the Lord Christ Jesus; rather, they were seeking to be nearer to the Lord Christ Jesus in his kingdom.  Again, in testimony, we have the Book of Romans; whereas, Saint Paul, Apostle alludes that it is inexcusable for us, for if we judge another person, we condemn ourselves; for we are of the same wretched flesh that is tempted.  Still, Christians have no misgivings; clearly there is a difference between those who give themselves over to sin and believe themselves justified and those who have been tempted and have sinned, but then repented of their sinfulness: Jesus Christ testified, repent or you all will perish.  Also, we must know, it is not a sinful thing nor is it judging a person to recognize the clothes of sin they may wear; rather, in spirit and truth we see their sins, but we do not judge them for their sinfulness.  Still, in life, when it comes to murder or to rape, to gossip or to stealing or to the sexual abuse of minors and to the likes, we must say no!  For we are to make no provisions for the flesh to fulfill their lusts; rather, we are to be new men created in righteousness and true holiness, giving no place to the devil: for it is our obligation to be in, to testify too and to live in life and truth; again, it is our obligation to confess that Christ Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  Again, from the testimony of Saint Paul, Apostle: the flesh has desires against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh; these oppose each other, so we cannot do what we want or desire: those whose deeds are the obvious sinful works and deeds of the flesh will in no way enter into the kingdom of heaven!  Now taken from the Psalms of David, we read, the Lord is our shepherd; nothing shall we want; clearly, King David is not talking about the food or stores or such provisions of life, but is talking about lying down in the green pastures of faithfulness to the Lord God our Heavenly Father.  King David then says, God leads him on the path of his righteousness, but that God does it for his name’s sake.  Yes Christians, God knows our needs and Christ Jesus testifies that we must consider the ravens that neither plant nor reap, but that God prepares a table for them.  King David then says that goodness will follow him all the days of his life, and that he will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever.  Now Christians a couple of things in consideration: one David did commit adultery, but he repented and God forgave him and as well: King David had terrible troubles with his son Absalom, but that God did walk with David through these troubles: David indeed did live in faith and dwell in the house of the Lord.  Moreover, Christ Jesus testifies: we are to first seek the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s righteousness, and that God will add all things unto us; clearly, this is testifying to more things than our daily bread.  Yes Christians, Nathan, the Prophet of God the Heavenly Father goes unto King David, and tells him what God had related, communicated, to him the night after David and he talked about the Ark of the covenant.  God saying through Nathan: David, it was I, who took you from being a shepherd of sheep to being a leader and king of my twelve-tribes; it was I, who destroyed your enemies, who came up against you; it was I, who will make you famous as the great ones of earth; it was I, that fixed a place for my people, Israel.  Now Christians, in these things, we see that God is telling David that he is already at home in his eternal kingdom and needs not a temple created by human hands for a home; God is not homeless, but many of his creation are.  Jesus testifies; whatsoever, you do to the least of these that you also do unto me.  Now an interesting thing occurs when we testify Christ Jesus’s word of spirit and life: for as Saint Peter, Apostle testifies, our enemy the tempter is roaring like a lion, prowling about – this prowling is being done in the consciences of men and women – and the devil is looking to destroy souls.  That said: we should also know that man’s wrath does not bring about God’s righteousness, for vengeance belongs to God.  Moreover, in a like manner: men’s well-meant covetous does not bring honor and glory to the name of God our Heavenly Father nor his Son the Lord Christ Jesus: for, the darkness of sin is not and cannot be the true light of Christ Jesus.  Truly, whether we are rich or poor in material things, we may be poor in life and poor in spirit: whether, we are rich or poor we must first seek the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s Righteousness.  As a matter of fact, people are indeed ingenious in hiding their motives and they do invent stressful situations, which they then use trying to bring honor and glory to their name to fulfill their ambitions: for the things they covet.  Moreover, when an individual has such ambitions, they are ripe to be used; by those who are inventors of wickedness.  The truth is that we all have an obligation to work and those who are not willing to work are not to eat: as humans this truth is so formidable that we cannot see how to surmount it and still attend the real needs of the poor.  Truly, as Christ Jesus teaches: without God none of us can be saved and here with this treasure of helping and giving to the poor, it is a blessing that we cannot fulfill without faith in God the Heavenly Father.  We as sons and daughters of God cannot bring the five loaves and two fish to the many in need without God the Heavenly Father’s blessing; moreover, if we take our eye from God in seeking to help, then we have taken the first wrong step and all following steps only become as Christ Jesus testifies: take heed that the light that is in you is not darkness.  Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful.  Amen. 


Tuesday, December 31st 2024

The Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas

·         1 John 2:18-21

·         96:1-2 & 11-13

·         John 1:14 & 12

·         John 1:1-18

Christians our hearts are so filled with the love that is Christ Jesus: let us see his truth; live his truth; and be in the glory that he gave unto us, so that we may be one, as Christ Jesus and the Heavenly Father are one: Jesus, through the Holy Spirit baptized us with the spirit of fire and Christ Jesus is one with our Heavenly Father, the God of Jacob-Isreal.  Magnificently before the world began, Christ Jesus was with God the Heavenly Father!  In the beginning God spoke the word; let there be light and the oneness of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit saw that it was good!  Then, through all the years from Moses to King David, up until the time the Three Wise Men visited the Christ Child when in that instance the world was reborn, through the Son of God, Jesus the Nazarene, the Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary and humankind received salvation: grace for grace.  The grace of daily sacrifices was offered by a High Priest, a sacrifice instituted by God the Heavenly Father for the atonement for sin and then to the eternal sacrifice of grace instituted by God the Heavenly Father; whereby, we now access this grace brought unto us by and through Christ Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross -- through the acknowledgement of our sins, the turning away from our sin, the going and sinning no more that is repent of our sin and sinfulness.  Yes, Christ Jesus is our eternal sacrifice; eternity being a thing we as humans cannot even begin to grasp, yet some are certain they will not like it but others, because of the tremendous love they know in the Spirit of Christ Jesus -- know through belief that it is more tremendous than our minds can conceive.  Christians, could Moses have conceived of and imagined the world that we live in today; no of course he could not, and so too with eternity: our minds cannot conceive and imagine the unsearchable riches that await all those who are saved by the grace of the Lord Christ Jesus and the eternity that is a head of us.  Now again, there are not people, who lived from Moses to Christ Jesus and up to this day, who could say that those days should never have existed and so too with the eternity that awaits all those who believe in the Lord Christ Jesus: those days of eternity that our minds and hearts cannot truly conceive, but we know God’s word that was in the beginning will be there; heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s word will remain forever.  One word of caution, Christians; it is true that Christ Jesus said that nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and many other things, in this regard, but we should not believe we know exactly how those days will unfold and what exactly what they will be; therefore, be faithful to the Lord Christ Jesus by first seeking the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s Righteousness.  Truly, Jesus, the Christ said: take no thought of tomorrow for tomorrow will take thought of itself; sufficient is the evil of this day thereof.  Yes, sufficient is the evil of this day to overcome, but be of good cheer for Christ Jesus has overcome the world: in other words, do all things for the glory of God’s name today: we are to worship God the Heavenly Father and only him are we to serve: call no man father, for there is only one Father and he is our Hallowed Father who is in heaven.  Again, we can live but one day at a time and the plans for tomorrow should be plans that will bring glory to God the Lord Christ Jesus and not the plans to provide, provisions of our lustful flesh.  Now Christians, Saint John, Apostle of the Lord Christ Jesus says; it is the last hour: we should also appreciate what Christ Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well, saying: but the hour comes and now is, when true worshippers shall worship God the Heavenly Father in spirit and truth.  Truly, Saint John said that in his time, which is the first century of Christ Jesus and likely between the years of: 80 to 90 A.D., they – those who are against Jesus Christ the Lord and savior of humankind were among them; therefore, we should realize that they are among us too.  Still, we do not know exactly what this means, but we do know that Christ Jesus tells us to watch, for we know not the hour: whether it will be evening or midnight or morning, when the Lord Christ Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead.  However, what we do know is that the people of Noah’s time did eat, drink and they married up until the time that the ark took to float, and this same fixture of unexpected occurrence will be the same when Christ Jesus comes again.  The wheat and the tares will grow together, and then Jesus will separate them, so again: first seek the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s Righteousness.  Christians, Saint John says that every lie is alien to the truth: can we in truth say and believe that sin is acceptable to Christ Jesus, if so, why did he sacrifice his life for us if sin is acceptable to God the Heavenly Father.  Again, how can we say yes to abortion, sodomy, adultery, fornication, false pride and the obvious sins of the flesh that do defile us and then say, we are testifying the truth; we cannot say yes to these and believe ourselves to be testifying truthfully.  Yes Christians, we have received the baptism of fire from the Lord Christ Jesus and his Gospel of spirit and life is the one language that we must speak, live and conform our hearts and minds too, for they are the very essence of truth and life; still, some preferred the darkness for their deeds are evil and their lives are polluted with the obvious sins of the flesh.  Again, God the Heavenly Father cannot lie and he has brought unto humankind the words of spirit and life; God has given unto us his Son, the Lord Christ Jesus -- the way, the truth and the life and we all know unless we repent of our sin and sinfulness that we will all perish: testifying, repent and believe in the gospel for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.  Yes, Christians this anointing is threefold: it is our advocate before God the Heavenly Father; it is our teacher: reminding us of the words and teachings that Christ Jesus did bring unto us; and it is our comforter: when we are pestered by mortal desires or overwhelmed by the practical needs of life the Holy Spirit, if sought, will come unto us and comfort us thoroughly and completely through all of life’s consequences: helping us to stand in the righteousness of God the Heavenly Father and helping us to be righteous by faith, which is pleasing to God the Heavenly Father.  Remember what Saint Paul has taught and most importantly that Saint Paul went through these trials for us, so now we have the grace that Christ Jesus has brought unto us through Saint Paul, testifying: who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, anguish, distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword: as it is written, for our sake, they were being slain all the day; they are looked upon as sheep to be slaughter.  Still, even in this Saint Paul testifies: in all things we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, he who loves us.  Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful.  Amen.


