Tuesday, October 1st
of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
Virgin and doctor of the Church
Job 3:1-3, 11-17 & 20-23
Psalms 88:2-8
Mark 10:45
Luke 9:51-56
Christians, Christ Jesus rebuked the
Apostles James and John, saying, you do not know what spirit you are
of, [namely, the Holy Spirit]!
Remember, Christians, at the time this resolute journey to
Jerusalem occurred: the Apostles had not yet received the Baptism of
the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore, Jesus the Christ also said in admonition unto them: the
Son of man came not to destroy souls, but save.
Now Christians, when we read these statements from Job,
it may seem to us that Job was depressed; yet, the truth of the
matter is that he was weighted, from what the Lord, the God of
Jacob-Israel allowed to occur.
Now one supposition is that the Book of Job was
written by Moses.
Christians, it is also said that it is a literary composition and
not a transcript (a record) of historical events and conversations.
These educated suppositions may be completely correct but
they are also incomplete, since the truth is surmised not known.
Yes, it is possible, since, what we know of Moses’ life is
also incomplete: that he may have known or heard of such a man,
while he was a shepherd, before, he was called back to Egypt to
bring the Israelite’s out of their bondage, sufferings and slavery.
Again, it seems unlikely that it is an account that he may
have heard, as he was the Egyptian Prince.
Yet, it could be a sort of a historical analogy novel of all
that happened to the Israelites, while they first ventured down into
Egypt and thrived with Joseph, the brother who was bless by God the
Heavenly Father, and then, the falling into slavery and abuse by the
same people who once honored them.
Whatever the truth about the Book of Job maybe, we see
truths and accounts and circumstances, which can help us understand
more completely our own circumstances and accounts in life, knowing,
that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.
Christians, given these things, let us regard the statements
from Job in the truth that they are and see what me may find:
first seeking the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s
We may
also remember that the Prophet Jeremiah, born 650 B.C. to a priestly
family from the village of Anathoth, which is two and a half miles
northeast of Jerusalem, said that cursed be the day wherein he was
Interestingly, we
see right before this declaration, Jeremiah the Prophet of God the
Heavenly Father, singing praise to the Lord! for he has delivered
the life of the needy from the hands of the evildoers.
For clarification, the evildoers to whom that Jeremiah is
referring are not businessmen doing their work and prospering from
the increase of their herds and blessed harvest; rather, the
evildoers that Jeremiah is referring to are those who had given
themselves over to all sorts of abominations, idolatry, murders,
deceits, harlotry and the stealing lands from widows and from the
heritages of their fellow citizen or more accurately stated, the
other brothers of Jacob-Israel's sons and descendants: those who were
blessed through increase of their herds: goats, sheep, cattle and
those who were blessed with increase of their harvest.
Yes, Christians, we read that Job was also saying, as
Jeremiah did say: that the day he was born and the night they said,
“It’s a boy!” that Job would have preferred, this day have perished
rather than come to fruition.
This statement that Moses may have written: “Why did I not
perish at birth, [and] come forth from the womb and expire:” maybe a
statement to help the Israelites see how blessed they were, even
though they did suffer many hardships from the hand of Pharaoh.
Christians in this novel of Job, the ending is one of justice
for Job, being done – not only restoring Job’s lands, properties,
and his life, but causing those men who disputed with him: Eliphaz,
Bildad, and Zophar to perish: for they were being self-righteous,
prideful and arrogant instead of faithful to the words and teachings
of God the Heavenly Father.
Christians, in some of these following statements, from the
Book of Job, we perceive that Job would have preferred to
have been laid to rest at birth, so that he could have been in the
company of kings and counselors; they who built desolate places for
For Job
considered himself a man who has been wronged by God and indeed, God
did allow Lucifer, the devil, to do horrible things unto Job,
testing and proving Job.
Christians, now in this generation of Christ Jesus, Jesus the Lord
teaches us that no person can be saved, but with God all things are
Apostle Peter is aghast; wondering what was going to become of them.
Jesus Christ had come across a rich man, who wanted to know
what he had to do that he may receive life everlasting, Jesus saying
unto him: keep the word of God: do the word of God; yes, keep the
commandments: thou shalt not commit adultery; thou shalt not steal;
thou shalt not murder; thou shalt not bear false witness; honor your
father and your mother; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself;
[truly, self does not want their blessings of goods coveted nor
At this point
the young man says and asks: these things I have done, what still is
Jesus then
said: go sell all you have and follow the way, the truth and the
life, the Lord Christ Jesus.
However, we must not forget and must testify that the Lord
Christ Jesus also told the Apostle Peter: in the new world the
Apostles will sit in judgment, judging the twelve tribes of Israel
and [that] everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or
father or mother or children or lands, for the sake of the Lord
Christ Jesus will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal-life.
Still, many who are first will be last, and the last first.
Reward with Christ Jesus is given in accordance with his
name, as in: ask for anything in Jesus’s name and it shall be
granted unto you: ask and you will receive; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
Still, as the Apostle James testifies: it is not for avarice
or for our lust, because, those things are not of God the Heavenly
Father but are of the world: savor not the things of the flesh or
the world, but first seek the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly
Father’s Righteousness.
Yes Christians, let us take particular notice to this line of
testimony from Job, for it applies to some, but not all: those whose
path is hidden from them, and whom God has hemmed in. It is
interesting that Moses was not allowed to enter into the Promise
Land for he did not sanctify the children of Israel at the waters of
Meribah: Brethren do not weary in doing good.
Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us
pray and be thankful.
Tuesday, October 8th
The Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary
Galatians 1:13-24
Psalms 139:1-3 & 13-15
Luke 11:20
Luke 10:38-42
Christians, the Lord Christ Jesus said:
peace I leave with you, his peace he gave unto us: not as the
world gives peace, gives Christ Jesus peace unto us: let not
your hearts be troubled, neither let it, your hearts be
afraid. Christians, in this testimony between Martha, Mary, and the
Lord Christ Jesus let us see not only the flesh in action but also
let us see the spirit, too: let us hear the word of the Lord God our
Heavenly Father and do it, live according to it: knowing that the
word Christ Jesus brought unto us, brought unto humankind, are
spirit and life. Christians, in this meditation let us draw upon
what Saint Paul, Apostle teaches; although it is specifically in
reference to eating meats that was offered to idols, there is a
spiritual truth that applies also to this testimony between Martha,
Mary, and Jesus. Saint Paul, while writing to the Corinthians says:
if any man, (person), says unto you, This is (meat) offered in
sacrifice unto idols, eat not (this meat) for the sake of that
person, who showed or made you aware of it, (that is, this
sacrificial meat offering,) and for conscience sake, (that is, in
the sake of not appearing to disregard the consciences of other
people, while all the time knowing that the meat is unaffected, by
this offering to idols,) for there is only one God (and offering
meat to false idols is a practice that profits nothing; it is of no
avail.) Now, the spirituality of this address from Saint Paul is:
the person who made Saint Paul aware of this meat having previously
been offered to idols, and the undertones of this, is this person
may have been trying to make something of this idol meat offering as
to catch or snare Saint Paul in his testimony of the Lord Christ
Jesus or perhaps, these individuals were trying to learn the way,
the truth and the life. This trying to catch a person in their
speech is not uncommon and the Pharisees, scribes, chief priests,
sent spies who pretended to befriend Christ Jesus and be in earnest
of their communication with him, while in truth, they were their
father’s children, the devil, and they went to him, the Lord Christ
Jesus, in deception and in wanting to gain evidence so they could
murder Jesus, the Nazarene. Still and what is truly a strange
thing, they, these spies, said to Christ Jesus: we know that what
you say and teach is right, neither accept you the person of any,
but teach the way of God truly; the question must be asked at this
point: since they knew Christ Jesus was teaching right, why were
they trying to kill him? Christians, in these verses there are many
spiritual things to consider, but in regard to Martha, Mary, and the
Lord Christ Jesus, we cannot doubt that Jesus perceived Mary was in
earnest of wanting to learn what he was teaching and testifying, and
not simply trying to get out of work. While Martha, instead of
being pleased with the blessings of her life, she was coveting,
jealously or enviously, and apparently, for her desires, trying to
catch Mary or cause strife because of Mary’s choice, and perhaps in
duplicity, that is deceptively, said unto Jesus: do you not care
that Mary, my sister has left me by myself to do the serving: trying
to make a point of her supposed variance or disapproval of Mary’s
choice! Christians, so now see and understand: there was no sin in
eating this meat for there are no idols, but if Mary was being false
to her conscience and trying to get out of the work that she knew,
she must rightfully do, then she would have been sinning. Still,
the Lord Christ Jesus perceived, must have perceived, that Mary was
not trying to get out of doing anything but that her conscience had
called her to listen to the teachings and testimony of the Lord
Christ Jesus. Yet, again and still, Christians, Saint Paul Apostle
is testifying in regard to meat and not our sinful flesh; so,
although we can eat meat or not eat meat -- eating meat does not
commend us to God, and we are neither better or worse because we eat
meat or do not eat meat; in regard to commending ourselves to
God. Still, in regard to the obvious sins of the flesh: adultery,
fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft,
hatred, variance, emulation, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
envying, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like as these,
Saint Paul tells us and since we know that God is the same today,
yesterday, and forever: those who do these things will in no way
inherit the kingdom of God and there is no preference of choice, for
these things are sin; whereas, with the eating of meat and Mary
learning from Christ Jesus, there is a choice. Christians, yet
again, if we have the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy,
faithfulness, peace, patience and longsuffering, gentleness,
goodness, generosity and meekness, and temperance and self-control
and we are not choosing to prefer the darkness, that is, living in
the obvious sinful flesh but, rather we are choosing to abide in the
words of Christ Jesus, they being spirit and life: abiding in the
word of God is loving God, but choosing through deceitfulness or
pretense to pretend to believe in Christ Jesus, this is not loving
God; for darkness is not light! Christians, so, again, we know that
Martha loved her sister Mary, but she was anxious and not acting or
doing the word of God, the words of spirit and life, but was acting
and doing the things of the flesh: her sin affecting all those
around her: as too, Christ Jesus’s holiness affected all those
around him and is still affecting all life. Now Christians, in this
testimony to the Galatians from Saint Paul, Apostle, we learn that
Saul of Tarsus was a zealot. We learn from the Book of Acts that
he met, the Lord Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. From this
meeting we understand that Saul of Tarsus was born again: not from
blood nor by the will of the flesh nor by the will of man, but of
God, born from above, he was baptized by fire, the fire of the Holy
Spirit, and he became a new man, Saint Paul of Tarsus. Now Saint
Paul is direct and to the point about the fact that after he had met
with Ananias, in Damascus: that he went to Arabia for three years
and then back to Damascus! So then Christians, in particular, Saint Paul tells us that he was
called from his mother’s womb, in the same regard as Jeremiah, the
Prophet of God was called from his mother’s womb to serve God, the
Heavenly Father! Now Christians, Saint Paul makes it a point to
testify that he did not first consult flesh and blood nor go to the
Apostles in Jerusalem, but he went on a three-year sabbatical, which
we must realize; since, Paul was a student of the word of God that
during these three years, the Holy Spirit was teaching him: how
Christ Jesus came to fulfill the words and teachings of God the
Heavenly Father and not to abolish them. It may rightly be said
that Saint Paul had all the knowledge of the Old Testament and he
was able to graft all the teachings of the Lord Christ Jesus and
explain, how the law is now made manifest in the spirit, the Holy
Spirit. Christians, we must remember that the spirit and the flesh
are in opposition, like unto: darkness is not light; sour is not
sweet; evil is not goodness, and sin is not holiness and that only
through repentance can we be saved, repentance and believing in the
Gospel of the Lord Christ Jesus. Now Christians, in the name of the
Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful. Amen.
Tuesday, October 15th
Memorial of saint Teresa of Jesus….
Galatians 5:1-6
Psalms 119:41, 43-45 & 47-48
Hebrews 4:12
Luke 11:37-41
Christians, Christ Jesus testifies unto the
Pharisee that had invited him to dine: but as to what is within,
give alms, and behold, everything will be clean for you or as it is
also written: give alms of such things as you have; and behold, all
things are clean unto you. Now, in this giving of alms
Christians; let us see that these things are the bringing forth
fruits worthy of repentance: and let us also understand that
repentance, and the giving of alms for these things that have
defiled a person – is accompanied by, the acknowledgement, of such
things that do defile. Now Christians, Christ Jesus tells us from
out of the heart these things proceed and since, they are proceeding
from the heart, we know and understand that these things, if we are
preferring darkness and allowing them to manifest in the flesh, then
we are choosing the lust of the flesh, the things of the world and
the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, and choosing these
defiling things, that is not the way, the truth and the life of God
the Heavenly Father. Yes Christians, Christ Jesus tells us that
evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornication, thefts, [bearing]
false witness, blasphemies: these are the things that defile a man,
meaning, (these things that defile people). Hearken, Christians and
as Saint Peter, Apostle and Pope says: let the day star arise in
your hearts: yes, Christians, it is important to know that the word,
blasphemies, is defined as slander, abusive language, railing, and
although we typically are tempted to think that these things are
concerning relationships between neighbors; however, it is of first
importance to realize that we are not to blaspheme against God, the
Holy Spirit. Yes, Christians, we are to realize that we are not to
bear false witness against Christ Jesus’s Gospel of spirit and
life. Saint Paul Apostles says, she that lives in pleasure that is
self-indulgence is dead while she lives. Therefore, Christians as
we all know, it is only through repentance and bringing forth fruits
or alms worthy of repentance that we may wash clean the inside of
the cup, while the outside of the cup may appear clean, the inside
may be as ash. Now Christians, in this testimony from Saint Paul,
Apostle to the Galatians, he testifies about freedom, being free,
and the yoke of slavery. Moreover, Christians, let us first
remember what Christ Jesus testifies about slavery, saying: Amen,
amen, I say to you; everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin;
again, anyone who commits sin is a servant to sin! Christians, as
well, Saint Paul, Apostle testifies: we are not debtors to the
flesh, to live according to the flesh. Again, the person that sows
for their flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the person
who sows for the spirit will reap eternal life from the
spirit. Consequently, when Saint Paul is testifying stand firm,
what he is testifying to is to stand firm in Christ Jesus’s Gospel
of spirit and life: be lights on the hill and be the salt of the
earth. Distinctly, understand brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,
what Saint Paul is testifying to the Galatians and to all that have
ears to hear, he says: that if we circumcise ourselves this is not
like the covenant God the Heavenly Father made with the Israelites;
Paul saying, it is of no benefit: for we are now under the New
Covenant with God through Christ Jesus and it is a covenant of
spirit and life. Truly, now, Christians, instead of circumcising
the flesh: we must circumcise our spirits, we must circumcise our
hearts and we must circumcise our minds, renewing our minds, being
born again in Christ Jesus. Unconditionally, Christians, we must
wash ourselves clean in the blood of the lamb through
repentance. Jesus Christ teaches: except we eat the flesh of the
Son of man and drink his blood, we have no life in us. Christ Jesus
is the bread of life! Christ Jesus is the word made flesh! Christ
Jesus is the bread that came down from heaven. Jesus Christ
testifies; it is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no
avail: the words that Jesus Christ brought unto us, the words and
teachings God the Heavenly Father gave unto him are spirit and
life. Now, Christians, an example of eating the word that God gives
unto us, in showing we people, how important and to what extent we
are to be in relationship with God’s word, indeed, we are to be one
with Christ Jesus as he is with God the Father, is given to us by
the testimony between God and the Prophet Ezekiel. For God tells
Ezekiel: Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go
speak unto the house of Israel! Yes, Christians, stand firm in the
Gospel of repentance and then now realize that Saint Paul is
emphatically admonishing the Galatians, for he knows the misguided
thing that they have done is not to their benefit: this
circumcising, themselves in a pretense, of faith, towards and with
Christ Jesus. Now Christians, do not be uninformed, when Saint Paul
is talking about being responsible for the entire law, he is talking
about all the laws, statutes, ordinances and decrees that God gave
to Moses: like not eating pork, the washing of hands in certain
ways, and all the mechanical things of the letter of the
law. Whereas, in Christ Jesus, if we have the law manifested in our
spirit and keep these spiritual laws of loving our neighbor as we
love ourselves, but first loving the Lord God our Heavenly Father
with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and in standing in these
things in adherence with a clear conscience then we may hope to be
considered as first seeking the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly
Father’s Righteousness. Still, do not be complacent; consider these
verses from Saint Paul, Apostle before you think of yourselves
already welcome into the kingdom of heaven. For if Paul wrote these
things about himself, how much more should we seek to continue to
run the race towards our salvation, Paul saying: pray to know the
Lord Christ Jesus, and the power of his resurrection, and the
fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death:
if by any means he might attain unto the resurrection of the
dead. Not as though he had already attained nor either were already
perfect: but he follows after, so that he may apprehend that for
which also he was apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, do not
count yourselves as having already been apprehended; rather do this:
forget the things that are behind (our repented sins) and reach
forth unto those things which are before, that is, the immeasurable
riches in Christ Jesus and his eternal kingdom. For we that are in
this tabernacle tent do groan, being burdened: not for that we would
be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up
of life: in other words, we do not want to be dead but we want to
be, in the new life fully and completely, with Christ
Jesus. Therefore Christians, let us through the Spirit, that is the
Holy Spirit, by faith, let us possess our souls in patience –
waiting for the hope of righteousness, this being: first seeking the
kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s Righteousness. Truly
Christians, it is the repentant that are righteous by faith, who are
welcomed into the kingdom of heaven, fulfilling all the law by
loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. For the manifestation of
unfeigned and sincere love for our neighbor keeps all the laws of
God the Heavenly Father. First loving God with all the heart, mind,
soul and strength: having no God before the God of all creation.
Moreover, for, if we have a sincere love and not lust for our
neighbor, we will not commit adultery, we will not kill, we will not
steal, we will not bear false witness, and we most certainly will
not covet our neighbors’ lives. Yes, Christians, coveting is a most
grievous sin, for it is a sin of the spirit! Therefore,
Christians do not think or believe that covetous, that is, sins of
the mind are acceptable: for the sins of the spirit are grievous as
are the sins of the flesh. Now Christians, in the name of the Lord
Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful. Amen.
Tuesday, October 22nd
The Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary
Ephesians 2:12-22
Psalms 85:9-14
Luke 21:36
Luke 12:33-38
Christians, what
figure of speech is Christ Jesus referring to, when he says: gird
your loins and light your lamps and be like servants who await their
Christians, what
is this gird our loins; is it not to surround ourselves in his
gospel of spirit and life!
Moreover, what is this light our lamps; is it not the
receiving of the Lord Christ Jesus into our lives!
Truly, when we light our lamps, we must light them in the
life that is the light of men: that being, the Lord Christ Jesus!
Remember, Christians, Jesus is the true light that lights
every man and the light shines in the darkness but the darkness does
not comprehend nor may it overcome the true light of life.
Wonderfully, Christians, Christ Jesus is the true light that
lights humankind.
For we
were indeed created in the image and likeness of God and since God
the Heavenly Father is spirit while man is flesh and blood, we know
with certainty that we were made to be holy; for God the Heavenly
Father is holy.
Christians, when we prefer the darkness to the true light of life,
we are choosing to sin, and in order to once again through faith be
in right standing, be in God the Heavenly Father’s Righteousness
with God the Lord Christ Jesus and God the Heavenly Father, we must
repent of our sin: bringing forth alms, fruits worthy of repentance,
of such things that we have: not only things in our mortality but in
our spirituality too; hence, go and sin no more.
Hearken, Christians, they that were foolish took their lamps,
and took no oil with them: hence, they that were wise took oil, in
their vessels, with their lamps: Christians, these are two sentences:
from the Parable that Christ Jesus testifies of the Ten Virgins.
Indeed, it is written; five were wise and five were foolish.
Unmistakably, Christians, we know that in this parable, the
figure of speech that the oil represents is the word of spirit and
life of Christ Jesus’s Gospel.
Therefore, we have the plain language; five of the ten
virgins took the words and teachings, with them, and five of them
did not live according or appreciate Christ Jesus’s Gospel, but took
the name of the Lord Christ Jesus in vain.
Yes Christians, we have this verse that Christ Jesus
testifies: if therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how
great is that darkness.
Truly, Christians, darkness is the turning away from the image and
likeness that God the Heavenly Father created us to be, and the
choosing to prefer darkness; instead of being in the true light,
which lights every man: that light is the Lord Christ Jesus.
Yes, Christians with solemn earnest take heed: we cannot make
provisions for the flesh on one hand and then on the other hand
consider ourselves as being in Christ Jesus’s light: rather, such a
thing is a person trying to serve both mammon and God and therefore,
the light that is in us is darkness and how great is that darkness:
no man, no person, can serve both God and mammon.
Now Christians let us appreciate the spirituality of these
two testimonies: for in the flesh, they may seem to be opposed, but
truly they are not: Christ Jesus tells us that he did not come to
abolish the law, or the prophets, but to fulfill, while, Saint Paul
tells us that Christ Jesus having abolished in his flesh the enmity,
even the law of the commandment, contained in ordinances; for
to make in himself, of two, one new man, so making peace.
Forthrightly, Christians, be not deceived nor be confused:
for many times Saint Paul, Apostle tells us that we indeed must keep
all the commandments and so too does the Lord Christ Jesus.
Now, Saint Paul tells us, that we keep God’s commandments: if
we love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Saint Paul, Apostle also testifies: if we have the works of
the flesh: in no way will we enter into the kingdom of heaven and
Christ Jesus tells us, the things that defile a person.
Now, concerning the legal claims: this is to be understood
that Christ Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross paid, our debt, and all
of humankinds debt forever; however, though this debt is paid, its
payment is as if it is in a bank somewhere, the kingdom of heaven,
and the way that we may make a withdrawal, from the bank, is through
baptism and our repentance, which is acknowledging our sin and the
turning away from our sin – repent means to turn away from – and
then, as well we must bring forth alms and fruits worthy of
repentance both from our hearts and from our material means.
Again, as Saint Peter, Apostle and Pope testifies: By a
lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to
an inheritance, incorruptible and undefiled and does not fade away:
for it, this lively hope is being reserved in heaven for the
children of God, who are kept by the power of God through faith unto
salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Notably, Christians, let us especially remember what Christ
Jesus taught about peace: it is not a peace as the world knows
peace, but is a peace whereas our hearts are not trouble nor are
they afraid; as well, Christ Jesus testifies that he did not come to
bring peace, but a sword: therefore, when Saint Paul, Apostle is
testifying to the Ephesians and to those who have ears to hear, this
peace that is far off and this peace that is near is for all people,
even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
Now, friends of the Lord Christ Jesus hear this, in
remembrance; for Saint Paul, Apostle testifies that those who the
Lord God the Heavenly Father calls and those who have chosen to
receive the Lord Christ Jesus are no longer strangers nor
sojourners, but these many who are called are fellow citizens with
the holy ones and members of the household of God, built on the
foundation of the Apostles and the Prophets with Christ Jesus,
himself as the capstone.
Yes, Christians, Christ Jesus is Lord; he is the head of the body
the church: he, who is the beginning, the firstborn of the dead;
that in all things he might have the preeminence.
Truly, Christians, God the Heavenly Father is well pleased
with Jesus the Nazarene, Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of
God and God the Heavenly Father, Lord and creator is well pleased
that in the Lord Christ Jesus all fulness dwells.
Moreover, since, Christ Jesus did make peace through the
blood of the cross and did reconcile all things unto himself; and,
as well, by Jesus Christ, Saint Paul testifies: that these things
are whether they be things on earth or things in heaven.
Yes Christians, we who were sometimes alienated and enemies
in our minds by wicked works; yet, now he, Jesus Christ has
reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present
individuals holy and unblameable and unreprovable in the sight of
God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: that is, if we
continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away
from the hope of the Gospel, the words of spirit and life, which we
have heard and which is to be preached to every creature that is
under heaven.
Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be
October 29th 2024
Week in Ordinary Time
Ephesians 5:21-33
Psalms 128:1-5
Matthew 11:25
Luke 13:18-21
Christians, Christ Jesus testifies: that
we are to first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and
all things shall be added unto you.
The juxtaposing of the following
verse is almost as in complete contrast: Jesus is saying first seek
and then he is saying take no thought of tomorrow – sarcastically,
we may say what is it: first seek or take no thought, but this
derision is a conscience of the flesh and the spirit in opposition:
as matter of course, in the conscience, it is most likely
unawareness and unknowingness by the individual, doing the mocking
instead of the understanding.
Christians, so, again, we have:
first seek the kingdom of heaven and then… take therefore no thought
for the morrow: for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of
itself; sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Therefore, in truth and grace let
us see that seeking the kingdom of God is: repenting, acknowledging
our sins, our wrongheadedness, our darkness in a pretense of light,
acknowledging and not stamping on our darkness like a smoldering
ember, but repenting and turning away from darkness and then,
walking and choosing to live in the true spirit of life and that
taking no thought of tomorrow is: faithfully living in accordance
with Christ Jesus’s way, truth and life, knowing that God the
Heavenly Father’s word does not return to him void and that God the
Heavenly Father’s word is working and bringing us to all tomorrows.
Christians in a superficial and
worldly manner, failing to regard that which we cannot know, namely,
the spiritual and the citizenship of heaven, we may look at the
Church from the day after Pentecost to the present, Twenty-First
century and say: indeed, the Church is a batch of leavened dough;
still, the Church is not the kingdom of God as Saint Paul, Apostle
teaches: brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of
God; neither does corruption inherit incorruption.
therefore, again today let us put on the armor of God: the
breastplate of justice and righteousness, the helmet of salvation,
the sword of righteousness, the shield of faith and the shoes of
Christ Jesus’s peace readying ourselves for first seeking the
kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s Righteousness.
Now Christians, out of reverence
for Christ Jesus, that is, out of fear of the Lord and out of awe
for the Lord God the Heavenly Father’s way, truth and life let us be
subject to one another in Christ Jesus: knowing that we are to yield
to Christ Jesus’s righteous Gospel of spirit and life, but that we
are to give no place, no room, and no opportunity for the devil.
Emphatically, Christians, as Saint
Paul Apostle testifies: we are not to yield our members to sin as
instruments of wickedness, but yield yourselves to God, as men, as
individuals, who have been brought from death to life, and your
members to God as instruments of righteousness.
Again, as before Christ Jesus when
individuals did yield their members to uncleanness and to iniquity
unto iniquity; even now, as born again in Christ Jesus’s shed blood
of the cross, so now: yield your members as servants to
righteousness unto holiness.
Yes, Christians, as Saint James
testifies: brethren can a fig tree bear, olive berries? either a
vine, figs, so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.
Christians, we cannot be steeped in
sin, unrighteousness and corruption and consider ourselves to be
living in holy accordance with Christ Jesus’s Gospel of spirit of
Yes Christians, grab a hold of your
consciences, recognize sin: for the temptations of sins are like a
pack of roaring lions looking to devour souls, and this roaring is
taking place between our ears, in our minds, and sins are those
things that rise up and exalt themselves against the knowledge of
God; whereas, we are to cast down all imaginations and bring into
captivity every thought unto the obedience of Christ Jesus’s Gospel
of spirit and life.
Yes Christians, the Church is to be
subject and subordinate to Christ Jesus: the Lord and Savior of the
Church, the head of the Church and the Lord and King and God over
all that is and all that will be.
Christ Jesus is the Lord and he is
the head of the Church.
Yes, Christians, in the beginning,
God the Heavenly Father through the word that being Jesus Christ
spoke and made humankind male and female and the two, through Holy
Matrimony, are joined together becoming one new flesh and one new
person; whereas, we know that no fornicator will enter into the
kingdom of heaven.
Christians, know this: it was not
until the son of Cain, yes the Cain that killed Abel, Cain’s son
named Lamech – not the son of Seth named Lamech – but the son of
Cain named Lamech and not until this time did man take more than one
wife: Christians, in the testimony of Cain killing Abel it states
that the devil entered into Cain and thus because of this
temptation, Cain did kill his brother Abel; whereas, although it
does not testify this, we may deduce that the devil entered into
Lamech, through conscience temptation that of the roaring lion, and
this Enoch, son of Cain took a second wife.
Nonetheless, in the beginning God
made us male and female and the two are to become one new flesh, one
new person in Christ Jesus’s Gospel of spirit and life.
Now Christians, when a Pope, a
Bishop, a Cardinal, a Priest and the laity do not submit and be
subordinate to Christ Jesus, the head of the Church, then these are
not servants of Christ Jesus nor are they one with the Lord Christ
Jesus but have chosen to prefer the flesh and its sinfulness rather
than the grace and truth of holy repentance; moreover, no covetous
is pleasing to the Lord God the Heavenly Father and serving a people
in pretense with one hand, while on the other hand covetous and
theft occurs – no matter what came before – the sin now: is the
making provisions for the flesh for individual glory, disregarding
those that are harmed like stamping on a ember, rather than serving
Christ Jesus and being subordinate to his Church.
Truly, the Church is to be an
example of Christ Jesus’s Righteousness, which is holiness, but God
the Lord Christ Jesus, the very light of God the Heavenly Father
does not let the guilty go unpunished nor does God the Lord Christ
Jesus give place: to sin nor to the devil; give no place to the
devil: we cannot be idolators and consider ourselves as serving
Christ Jesus.
Now Christians, a wife is to see
and understand that she must give reverence and respect to her
husband: know the man that he is and that the wife chose to marry
and then respect him and give him reverence: on the same hand, the
husband is to love his wife and understand and see that he is to be
the head of this two being one, the family, and not through shirking
or avoiding nor through force or dominance but through love,
kindness, life, and maturity grow into one new person.
Christians, look at it this way:
when a child begins to speak, they say mama and papa, but growth
does not end there!
Rather this is but the starting
point; moreover, entire sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and books
must be written between husband and wife to mature: the wife
choosing to be the wife and the husband choosing to be the husband:
for Christ Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no person
can come unto God the Heavenly Father except through the Son, Jesus
of Nazareth.
Now Christians, in the name of the
Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful.