Wednesday, February 5th
Memorial of Saint Agatha, Virgin and
Hebrews 12:4-7,11-15
Psalms 103:1-2, 13-14 & 17-18
John 10:27
Mark 6:1-6
Christians, when we read of Christ Jesus
departing and then going into his native place, accompanied by his
disciples, we may reflect what it is like ourselves going back to
our native place and all the occurrences of life that happened
there: things, for that we are grateful; things from that we
learned; and most certainly; things of that we must repent:
remember, Christians that repentance is not only a before death
command but Christ Jesus right before his ascension, after he
upbraided the Apostles for their hardness of heart, told them: go ye
into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature!
He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he that
does not believe shall be damned.
Moreover, Christians, we should realize that our baptism is
not only of spirit but it is of water; therefore, we know that we
must do the justice in this world and not just be spiritual about
all things.
In other
words, we must physically repent of our sins to God the Lord Christ
Jesus in our prayers and know that we have repented and as well
bring forth fruits worthy of repentance and go and sin no more!
As far as trusting men who have no self-control, self-control
being a gift of the Holy Spirit, it may be a blessed sacrifice but
it also may be unadvisable: repent and believe in the Gospel of the
Lord Christ Jesus for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
Now Christians, with this testimony from Hebrews, we have
this testimony from Saint Paul, Apostle: that we must resist sin to
the point of our sweat perspiring from out of our pores, falling to
the ground as shed blood as in the same manner as Christ Jesus in
his agony prayed in earnest and his sweat was as it were great drops
of blood falling down to the ground.
Christians! our natural desires are not sinful; it is if we
lust over them; our natural desires are not sinful; it is if we
covet these desires; our natural desires are not sinful; it is
fornication that is sinful; our natural desires are not sinful; it
is adultery that is sinful, but as far as unnatural desires, they
are the sinful results of when an individual does not afford God
glory to God, as God and these results are of degrees and individual
and manifest in ways that are given to the many obvious sins of the
Truly Christians,
all that can be known of God is known, it is manifest, for God has
made himself known unto all humankind; so, there is no excuse for
these individuals who do not like to keep the knowledge of God in
their hearts and in their minds: whether, they are advocating such
abominations or whether they are committing these abominations.
Yes, Christians, God has made himself known to humankind and
we have known of God since the beginning.
However, some worshipped false gods and gods that served
their flesh; rather than the true God that is life.
Long before Noah’s time people worshipped false gods, and not
only in the middle east!
Truly, the Continents of North America the people served false gods:
the same with South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia –
all peoples served false gods, for all people had a notion and an
awareness and a consciousness and a conscience that caused them to
think of God.
Yes, it
was not until Abraham did God the Heavenly Father make a covenant
with humankind; making himself known: the time between Adam and
Eve’s fall from grace, God the Heavenly Father’s word was working
his purpose.
there is testimony that God cast Lucifer out of heaven and fallen
angels consorted with women, giving birth to unnatural beings known
as the Nephilim: the testimony on these is that God the Heavenly
Father stopped their practices and sealed them up in the pits, until
the time of judgement.
Christians, so now with this testimony from Hebrews, we have: let us
remember the exhortation addressed to us as children: My son, (my
children) do not disdain the discipline of the Lord God our Heavenly
Father or lose heart when reproved by him; for whom the Lord:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit loves, God disciplines; he, God scourges
every son he acknowledges.
Now Christians, although, Saint Paul, Apostle does not
address the Hebrews in the introduction, as he did with his other
letters: by the tone of the letter, by the maturity of the text and
tone, by the content of combining the Old Testament rituals, laws
and covenant and expressing the New Covenant with God the Heavenly
Father in Christ Jesus, the only doubt that it was not written by
Saint Paul is he addressed it differently than to the places where
he was known as an Apostle, but then he would, would he not: for
Saint Paul was known differently by the Hebrews then to the places
he ministered as an Apostle!
So, then Christians, Saint Paul talks about how we as sons
and children of God must endure our trials as being disciplined: for
this is God pruning our branches, as Christ Jesus testifies in the
Gospel of John.
Christians, let us remember, as Saint Peter, Apostle testifies:
through the knowledge of Christ Jesus that has called us to glory
and virtue!
Whereby we
are given exceedingly great and precious promises, that by these:
knowledge of the Lord Christ Jesus; the glory Christ Jesus has given
unto us; and by virtue that the Holy Spirit may afford us that we
might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the
corruption that is in the world through lust.
Then too, besides these things and in giving all diligence of
first seeking the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s
righteousness; let us to our faith add virtue; and to virtue
knowledge; and to knowledge temperance that being self-control and
to temperance and self-control let us add patience; and to patience
godliness and being like Christ Jesus: since we are to abide in
Christ Jesus’s words ought we not also walk in Jesus’s Gospel of
Christians, let us to godliness have brotherly kindness; and then to
this brotherly kindness charity; yes, Christians, it is the person
who is righteous by faith that is being saved.
Now Christians, as Saint Paul, Apostle continues in this
testimony, he tells of earthly fathers, whom love their children:
their sons and daughters, and how like God the Heavenly Father
reproves and disciplines us out of loving us, so too do our fathers
discipline us because they love us!
Yet, when humankind is unfaithful to God the Heavenly Father
and there are governments that represent this faithlessness, they
tend to unlawfully and unrightly put themselves between a parent
that loves their child, for this government prefers its agenda over
the parents teaching a child the way, the truth, and the life of the
Lord Christ Jesus.
Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be
Wednesday, February 12th
The Fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Genesis 2:4-9 &15-17
Psalms 104:1-2 & 27-30
John 17:17
Mark 7:14-23
Christians, in this testimony from Mark we
are realizing that Christ Jesus the Lord has summoned the crowd!
Now what is this summoning that Christ Jesus did; we may also
say that he called to the crowd, so that they would give their
attention: for he, Jesus the Savior of mankind wanted them to hear,
and not just some of them, but all of the crowd and the Lord says to
them: open your hearts and minds -- do not harden your hearts --
preferring the fiery arrows of the flesh’s temptations and the
economy that is derived; rather hear and understand all of you:
nothing that enters one from the outside can defile that person;
hence, the things that come out from within are what defile a
person. Christians,
Christ Jesus testifies fulfilling what was spoken by the prophet,
saying, that Jesus would teach and testify in parable; that he would
testify to things that have been kept secret from the foundation of
the world. Still,
Christians, we of today have lived in commonplace of these things
for two-thousand years and do not recognize that these things, once
were not known. Still,
Christ Jesus testifies: the person who hears his word but does not
keep this testimony accordingly, is like a person without foundation
and when the streams of life come upon the house that person has
built it will fall and the fall will be complete.
Yet, to the person who hears his word and keeps this
testimony accordingly, is like a person that has laid their
foundation of life on the way, the truth and the life, solid rock,
and when the storms of life come upon this person, their peace and
joy remain, for their joy is complete and their peace goes beyond
all understanding for this joy and peace comes from God: hence, the
person who receives the Lord Christ Jesus he has given the power to
become sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: those who
were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the
will of man, but of God.
Truly, Christians, a remarkable articulation, by the Lord Christ
Jesus is when he says, to his Apostles, “Are ye so without
understanding also?” Now
Christians, God the Heavenly Father set forth testimony, saying:
these are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they
were created!
Christians, we see there was a time when no shrubs were on the
earth! No grasses of the
fields had sprouted; there was no early spring crabgrass to put
preventer on the lawns to stop and prevent it from growing!
God the Heavenly Father, who we are to worship and whom only
are we to serve had not yet sent rains upon the earth: think about
that; there was a time, on the earth, before any rains had fell!
Now Christians, this next line of testimony is most
interesting: for it supports the testimony that Cain, the son of
Adam and Eve was sent to other tribes of the earth, and we know that
Cain was a tiller of the soil, so it is confirmation that there was
a time before man was created and that the tilling of the soil was
to be performed, which also gives us understanding to the fact that
God made them male and female and then God made Adam and from Adam
he made Eve, when eventually their descendant would become the
chosen Abraham, through whom God chose to make himself known unto
humankind. Now
Christians, the way of the Lord and his Gospel are the power unto
salvation to every one that believes: to the Jew first, and also to
the Greek. For therein,
it, this is to say: in the Gospel of the Lord Christ Jesus is the
righteousness of God the Heavenly Father revealed from faith to
faith: as it is written; the just shall live by faith.
Christians, here again let us be reminded that the Lord is
our Shepard and nothing shall we want: we may also realize this too;
for what shall it profit a person, if they shall gain the whole
world, but lose their own soul!
Now Christians, please, do understand this: God the Heavenly
Father, who raised up the Lord Jesus Christ shall raise up us also
by Jesus and we will be presented to God the Father of all creation.
Truly, all things are for our sakes that the abundant grace
might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.
This word redound is not a common text, but it is like saying
the abundant grace will manifest itself as true abundance and as
surplus and as overflowing of grace, the grace that is established
because of Christ Jesus’s sacrifice for the sins of man.
Now Christians, let us realize this remarkableness, we read
that a stream was welling up out of the earth and was watering all
the surface of the ground: an inference to this testimony is that
although there was abundant water, so much so that it was welling up
out of the earth; still, rain had not yet fallen, which in
consideration of thought, we should realize: that although Rivers
like the Mississippi flow and were flowing at this time and so too
was the Tigris and the Euphrates and as well the Nile and the Amazon
and the Thames and the Saint Lawrance and the Snake and the Green
River were all flowing, but none of these flowing rivers may
stave-off a drought, if it is God’s Will that there be a drought.
Truly, Christians, not all the evaporated waters from all the
seas and oceans of the planet earth will stave-off a drought, if it
is God the Heavenly Father’s will to bring a drought and famine upon
the earth. This
testimony also causes the imagination to consider the rainbow: now
the rainbow was given to mankind as a promise that God would not
destroy the earth, again, like he did during the time of Noah; for
the earth’s people had polluted themselves with such filth and
abomination, heresies and blasphemies, and things that are against
nature that the only healing God could bring them was to completely
wash away all the depravity with water, but saving, yet, another
descendant of Adam and Eve that being Noah!
Still, Christians, we are now under the promise that the
earth will be destroyed by fire, so repent and believe in the Gospel
of the Lord Christ Jesus for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Beloved Christians, God the
Heavenly Father is the very breath in our lungs, without him we
would perish & return to dust; moreover, when God the Heavenly
Father sends forth his spirit there is creation, and God renews the
face of the earth. Now
Christians, Jesus Christ testifies: “let not your hearts be
troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me.”
Yes, Christians, remember, Jesus testifies: no man, (no person)
can come to him, except the Father which did send him draws them;
then the Lord Christ Jesus will raise him up at the last day.
Again, Saint John, Apostle testifies: whoever denies the Son,
the same does not have the Father; however, the person who
acknowledges the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ has also God the
Heavenly Father. Again,
Jesus Christ testifies: that he is the way, the truth and the life
and that no man, (no person) can come unto God the Heavenly Father,
but by him. Now
Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us pray and be
thankful. Amen.