Wednesday, January 8th
After the Epiphany
1 John 4:11-18
Psalm 72:1-2, 10 & 12-13
1 Timothy 3:16
Mark 6:45-52
Christians when this testimony was told to
Mark and then he wrote unto his audience, in which we are now a part
of this, we can imagine that Mark heard this testimony this way: now
we suppose this because of the manner that it is structured.
For Mark tells us that Jesus made his disciples get into the
boat, which does suggest that he knew beforehand that he would not
accompany them at that moment, but would come to them by walking
across the Sea of Galilee; truly, it may have been an occurrence
manifested by God the Heavenly Father to show the Apostles, the
disciples what manner of person this Jesus truly is.
Now Christians, the Lord Christ Jesus commanded us to love
one another as he loved us, and yes, he does include us even though
he was addressing his Apostles and disciples in that moment.
Still, how does the Lord Christ Jesus, love us, and what is
meant by this commandment: to love one another as Jesus loved his
disciples and Apostles.
The clearest understanding is broad in scope: Jesus loves us
according to his gospel of spirit and life!
Now within this gospel, he tells us that some prefer the
darkness to his light of life and spirit and truth; Jesus admonishes
us directly and also through parable; he tells us what defiles us
and Jesus tells us that we are to worship God the Heavenly Father,
the creator of heaven and the earth and that we are to serve only
Christians, then we
realize that Christ Jesus’s Gospel are the words and teachings of
spirit and life, so out of good conscience and understanding why
would we prefer to serve anything else other than this truth of
life, spirit and love.
Now Christians, what is the love that is in Christ Jesus: for it is
clearly not the love that the world and the sinful flesh pushes upon
the consciences and hearts of people in Satan’s never resting way of
trying to destroy all that is God our Heavenly Father and the life,
truth, goodness and love that the Lord Christ Jesus is.
Saint Paul testifies that love is patient, which is also
long-suffering; love is kind; and love does not envy; and many more
attributes, but let us look at this envy thing.
Okay, Jesus’s commandment is love one another as he loved the
disciples and the Apostles, but when we have envy in our hearts and
minds, and in our spirits, our consciences, then we are not being
righteously faithful to Jesus Christ’s commandment of loving one
another as he loves us.
Truthfully, at times, when we envy, we do not hurt any person but
ourselves and then, also, we are not in right standing with the Lord Christ
Yes, Christians,
Cain envied his brother Abel and because of this envy Cain then
hated and murdered his brother, which is one effect where we hurt
someone else, but still harm ourselves even more; because, we have
given ourselves up and over to being murderers.
Saint John testifies that no one who hates their brother will
enter into the kingdom of heaven, for as Cain hated Abel and thus
Cain was a murderer and Saint John testifies that we know that no
murderer has any part in the kingdom of God.
Still, when we envy a person because they have talent and we
have none; when they have prestige and we have none; when they have
wealth and we have none; when they are known as attractive but we
are not; because they get attention and we do not; and the many
other various forms of envy: we are failing to realize that God
loves us as much as this person whom we may be envying and moreover
that God made us to be the special individual that we are: when we
envy, we are telling God no thank you; why did you make me this and
not that!
Even worse,
when we envy, we are failing to do the first thing that we all must
do and that is to: first seek the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly
Father’s righteousness.
Yes, Christians, envy is a branch of covetous and although we now
live according to the spirit and not the law, envy like pride is a
sin of the spirit: as is, lusting after another person is adultery
even if, the sin of adultery was not manifest in the flesh it is
manifested in the spirit and still a sin unto death: Saint Paul
testifies that one of the obvious sins of the flesh is adultery and
those who commit these obvious sins of the flesh: sodomy, being a
sodomite, a fornicator, an idolater, being of hatred, hating people
and neighbors, immoralities and impurities, these, then in no way
will we enter into the kingdom of God.
Again, Jesus Christ tells Saint Peter with man, namely,
humankind, it is impossible to be saved, but that with God the
Heavenly Father all things are possible; therefore, then, through
our pride or are arrogance against God, if we fail to realize that
our self-control comes from God, we are then committing the sin of
idolatry, which is also unto death as is adultery and the other
Still, we
realize that God’s will is the grace that can lift the rock that
cannot be lifted: for God the Heavenly Father gives us a freewill,
and if we humble ourselves and repent; instead of hardening our
hearts and refuse to repent, then we are choosing to live in
darkness and not in the life of light that is the light of all men,
Jesus Christ.
Christians, let us understand that adultery is a thing, but
adulterers are people; that fornication is a thing, but fornicators
are people; that homosexuality is a thing, but homosexuals are
people; that justice is a thing as is injustice a thing, but those
who are just and those who are unjust are people and in the Gospel
of spirit and life, we are to hate and abhor sinful things but we
are to love the just and the unjust.
Still, Saint Paul teaches us that we cannot drink the cup of
the Lord Christ Jesus and also the cup of devils: we cannot be
partakers of the Lord’s table, and the tables of devils; therefore
with these things in mind, we can realize that we are to love our
neighbor as we love ourselves, but we are to be separate and have no
confederacy even though, we may have to do business with those who
prefer the darkness, we can do this business and not be partakers of
the same table; yet, we are to have kindness, goodness, patients,
gentleness and the fruits of the spirit to the just and the unjust,
the wicked and the good.
Moreover, if a person sins against us, we are to forgive them: for
we will be forgiven as we forgive.
Also, we are to treat others as we would want to be treated
and this others includes the just and the unjust, the evil and the
good; moreover, we should realize that the god of this world has
blinded the minds of them who do not believe, lest the light of the
glorious gospel of Christ Jesus, who is the very image of God the
Heavenly Father, should shine unto them; in other words, the devil
keeps them from seeing the truth of life. Nonetheless, we are called
to testify to the gospel of spirit and life for there are those who
may see, hear and be born again in the way, the truth and the life
Jesus Christ.
Christians, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ let us pray and be
Wednesday, January 15th
First Week in Ordinary Time
Hebrews 2:14-18
Psalms 1-9
John 10:27
Mark 1:29-39
Christians, Christ Jesus went unto a
deserted place to pray unto God the Heavenly Father, while derision
would say: Jesus teaches us to go into an inner room and pray, why
is he going, out into the desert to pray, against and contradicting
himself; still, understanding says: that it is going and praying in
secret or privately to God the Heavenly Father that is stressed as
being important and then Our Father who sees all things, even if a
sparrow happens to pass this day – will reward us according to his
Now, this praying
and receiving what we ask for is a thing we should understand; Jesus
teaches that he has manifested, made known God the Heavenly Father’s
name unto men, and specifies those who were given unto him, by God,
out of the world: Jesus testifies that they were God the Heavenly
Father’s, but that God gave them unto him, and that these men have
kept God the Heavenly Father’s word.
Still, if we are praying for something against God’s will or
purpose or against his name, then God does not hear such prayers but
only prayers of spirit and truth: we should know that then we will
be rewarded for our deeds: whether they, our deeds are just or
Now as far as
belonging to God the Heavenly Father or to his Son the Lord Christ
Jesus – temptation tries to cast aspersion on this relationship
between God and man, but understanding says: we know that we are so
very happy for having a loving mom and a loving father and are very
happy to be their children, then how much more so are we happy and
should be pleased to be the children, people, sons and daughters of
God the Heavenly Father; moreover, in prayer, we are to cast down
and destroy every argument that exalts itself against the knowledge
of God bringing these pretensions unto obedience in accordance with
Christ Jesus’s Gospel of spirit and life.
Now Christians, God has given unto us a spirit of holiness
and truth: God did not give unto us a spirit of fear; but of power
and of love and of sound mind.
Again, God the Heavenly Father has granted unto us
deliverance out of the hands of our enemies so that we may serve him
without fear in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life.
Still, we have not received a spirit of bondage again to
fear; but we have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry,
Abba, Father; meaning, your will God, let it be done on earth as it
is in heaven; thy kingdom come.
Again, the Lord Christ Jesus forewarns us whom we are to
fear, and Christ Jesus says: fear the one that, after you are dead,
has the power to cast your soul into everlasting damnation: so,
therefore, Jesus Christ testifies unto us to fear God the Heavenly
Moreover, there
is great reward in fearing the Lord: God the Heavenly Father rewards
us with not only eternal life, but fear of the Lord is the
instruction of wisdom and understanding is: since, all children
share in blood and flesh as likewise did Jesus Christ share, so that
now: through him, by him and within the Lord Christ Jesus’s way,
truth and life and through his death and then his resurrection --
death has no dominion over Christ Jesus.
Therefore, Christians, we are now as sons and daughters of
God the Heavenly Father and friends of the Lord Christ Jesus, and we
are to live in faith not fear.
Yes, Christians, choose faith in the Lord Christ Jesus’s way,
truth and life, but do not choose fear of this world and the things
Remember, Saint
Paul’s testimony: what will separate us from the love of Christ
Jesus? shall anguish, tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or
famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
Saint Paul testifies, nay, in all these things and many other
things we are more than conquerors through him that loves us.
For Saint Paul is persuaded: that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor
things to come shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord; therefore, Christians, receive
the grace that God the Heavenly Father did manifest unto us through
the Lord Christ Jesus and then, through the ministry of Saint Paul,
Saint Paul is stark in his admonition of us: for he wants us to
understand that Christ Jesus is Lord, and this fact is much more
than we understand and in credited faith give unto God thanks and
praise; still, this awesome existence of life is according to his
word, a word that last forever: heaven and earth may pass away, but
the Word of God will remain forever.
Yes, Christians, we are no longer slaves to our flesh having
to make decisions through fearing our death, but we are now born
again in Christ Jesus to live in Christ Jesus’s way, truth and life.
Yes, Christians, it is a matter of fact that Christ Jesus did
not bring this help unto angels, but rather the descendants of
Christians, we are ministered unto by and through the Holy Spirit
and this spirit of truth reminds us the words and teachings that the
Lord Christ Jesus was sent to bring unto humankind and even through
Saint Paul, Apostle, whom did work many, many, many healings and
rose at least one person from the dead, but Saint Paul gives all
credited faith to the Lord Christ Jesus and to God the Heavenly
Father -- knowing that it was the Holy Spirit working through him,
Paul, Apostle and not on his own recognizance did he do these
Christians, so
then we now understand when Saint Paul testifies the descendants of
Abraham, he is also including those who are righteous by faith!
Indeed, Saint Paul says it this way: know, then, therefore
that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham!
Yes, Christians, Saint Paul
also testifies of this prophecy: that the scripture, foreseeing that
God, the Heavenly Father would justify people, other than those who
received the first covenant, the law of circumcision, but scripture
does also justify others, through the law of faith and this was
preached even before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, in Abraham
shall all nations be blessed.
Yes, Christians, Christ Jesus became like his brothers and
sisters in every way, so that he might be a merciful and faithful
high priest before God to reconcile the sins of the people.
Yes, Christians, God the Heavenly Father did make Christ
Jesus to be sin for us even though Christ Jesus, himself knew no sin
and was without sin; so that now, we might be made the righteousness
of God in him, Christ Jesus: again, because, Christ Jesus was tested
through what he suffered, he is able to help those, through the Holy
Spirit, who are now being tested.
Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus let us
pray and be thankful.
Wednesday, 22nd
January 2025
Prayer for the Protection of
Hebrews 7:1-2, 15-17
Psalms, 110:1-4
Matthew 4:23
Mark 3:1-6
Christians, what is the difference of being
under the Law of Moses and now being under the Holy Spirit; is it
that we now get to sin with impunity, since we believe in Christ
Jesus: of course not! In this testimony from Mark, we have the
Pharisees, who use the law of keeping the sabbath day to chide, not
only Christ Jesus but also the Israelites; instead of bringing glory
to God the Heavenly Father’s name, which the Law of Moses was
intended to be: God, the Heavenly Father told Moses that these
people are going to fall away from him. Now Christians, as humans,
when we read this testimony from Hebrews, we cannot help but ask who
then is this Melchizedek, but then the spirit of truth appeals to
our conscience: does it make any difference in our lives, if we know
who exactly he is; no, it does not: Christ Jesus says to Saint
Peter; “If it is my will that he remains until I come, what is that
to you? Follow me!” Therefore, in the same way as Christ Jesus
said unto Saint Peter, referring to supposedly Judas, in a ghostly
form, that if he, Judas remains until the Lord Jesus comes again to
judge the living and the dead that it is no work of life of Saint
Peter, but that Saint Peter’s work of life and our work of life is
to follow the Lord Christ Jesus in accordance with his gospel of
spirit and life. Truly, we have this name of Melchizedek and we
have his description and we have that Abraham gave to him a tithe of
ten percent of his spoils that he had, when he came from defeating
the kings. Christians, we may also assume that the everything
includes all of Abraham’s holdings, possessions, and not only the
spoils of war, but it does not testify to this. Then, Christians,
we have this: that Melchizedek is a king of peace and is a priest of
God the Most High. Yes, that this king, Melchizedek is without
father, mother or ancestry without beginning of days or end of life
and now, this is the same, this eternity, with the Lord Christ
Jesus, Son of God, Jesus remains a priest forever! Now Christians,
with this kind of information, we likely ask, rightly: if
Melchizedek is a king forever; where is he, why do we not hear his
voice among the peoples of the world! Christians, truly, if we
consider how God the Heavenly Father testifies that the throne of
David is eternal and that now Christ Jesus sits on that throne in
heaven, and awaits the time of God the Heavenly Father’s
determination to come: to judge the just and the unjust, the wicked
and the holy, the living and the dead then can we not also have an
insight that Melchizedek is a citizen of God the Heavenly Father’s
eternal kingdom and does not simply have a quality of life, but has
life eternal, eternal life in peace, love, goodness, joy and truth,
which is the spirit of holiness and love. Christians, as far as not
hearing Melchizedek’s voice; do we not hear it every time we first
seek the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s righteousness,
which is the only true peace to be sought! Again, Christians, does
not Jesus tell us that the blood of Abel unto the blood of
Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple will be
required of this generation, and though we know little of Zacharias;
his voice is still calling out for justice! Yes, as is Rachel’s
voice; whose cries are a lamentation and her weeping and mourning
is inexhaustible: for Rachel is crying for the children that the
evil Herod slew in Bethlehem and in the coast thereof; these
children who were from two years old and under. Yes, Christians,
Melchizedek’s voice, Abel’s voice, Zacharias’s voice, Rachel’s voice
and the Lord Christ Jesus’s voice is crying out to the hearts and
minds of humankind, saying: Christ Jesus is the way, the truth and
the life, and all the hearing and caring and acknowledging for all
of these voices is part of believing in the Lord Christ
Jesus. Christians, Jesus Christ testifies; except a man be born
again, he cannot see the kingdom of God; Christians, do you believe
Jesus Christ! Again, Jesus Christ testifies; except a man be born
of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God;
do you Christians believe Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ testifies;
that he was not sent to condemn, but so that the world through him
might be saved. Again, Jesus Christ testifies; the person that
believes on the Son of God is not condemned: but the person who does
not believe is already condemned. Christians, understand! Jesus
Christ testifies; this is the condemnation: that light is come into
the world and men loved darkness rather than light, because their
deeds were evil. Yes Christians, Saint Paul, Apostle testifies:
that fornication and all uncleanness, or covetousness let it not be
once named among you, for we are to be saints; therefore, neither
filthiness, nor language that is inconsistent of the spirit and life
of Christ Jesus’s gospel should be uttered, nor jesting or
suggestive talk for such things are temptations and out of place and
not convenient – especially, since we pray to the Lord God our
Heavenly Father: lead us not into temptation. Yes, Christians,
instead of talk or language or images that tend toward immorality
and sin; let us sow the seeds of holiness, of goodness, of the
blessed day and the wondrousness of God our Heavenly Father’s
creation, which all these things are part of humankind and then yes,
the giving of thanks: Christ Jesus is Lord. Christians be
impelled! For Jesus Christ is the very image of God the Heavenly
Father. Christians, please consider this: it is as if Jesus Christ
knew that Saint Paul would testify these words: do not let such
things be mentioned among you; therefore, Jesus Christ testified to
the holiness and not the profane. Truly, Christians, Christ Jesus
testifies: from the beginning of creation God made them male and
female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and
cleave to his wife; therefore, the two shall be one flesh: so, then,
they are no more two, but one flesh. Christians, it is interesting
this word cleave; for in understanding: it is that the male shall
cleave away from his father and mother, to be separated, to cut
clean from his parents to leave his father and mother and then
cleaved this parted relationship and joined unto the wife, so as to
become one new flesh. Yes, Christians in metaphoric terms: it would
be like taking a rose and its stem and cleave, that is, cut or
separate it a part, and then cleave this rose and stem onto a new
rose plant, so that the flower that is grown, from this cleaving, is
one new flower or one new person in Christ Jesus. This marriage,
this Holy Matrimony, this sacrament is the word of God that Christ
Jesus testifies, but of the abominations: it is as if Jesus did not
want them in his mouth, so Jesus Christ commissioned Saint Paul,
Apostle, as an ambassador, to speak every word that has proceeded
out of the mouth of God. Now Christians, in the name of the Lord
Christ Jesus let us pray and be thankful. Amen.
Wednesday, January 29th
The Third Week in Ordinary Time
Hebrews 10:11-18
Psalms 110:1-4
Mark 4:1-20
Christians, Christ Jesus testified:
whosoever does the will of God the Heavenly Father, the same is his
brother, and his sister, and his mother.
Now Christians, let us pray to God the Lord Christ Jesus that
the Holy Spirit: our teacher, comforter and is our advocate before God,
will enlighten our hearts and minds: with fresh and new
understandings, with deeper and clearer insights, with the searching
of all things through the Holy Spirit, yes, the deep things of God –
as Saint Paul, Apostle has testified; and then, also, yes, in
prayer, let us acknowledge our consciences fully and completely to
the Lord Christ Jesus, knowing that Jesus already knows: its depths,
widths, heights and lengths and is waiting to become one with us in
heart, mind, spirit and life and also let us remember, as Jesus
testified: that no person can be saved, but with God the Heavenly
Father all things are possible; therefore, let us bear our
consciences upon Christ Jesus’s altar – seeking through his grace
and through the Holy Spirit to overcome our sinful desires,
temptations, weaknesses, lusts, greed, and all the temptations of
the obvious sins of the flesh!
As well, let us remember that we our of God and we confess
that Christ Jesus is Lord and have overcome the antichrist: because
greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world!
As well, let us also remember that Christ Jesus’s grace is
sufficient for us: when and if we put all of our weaknesses on
Christ Jesus’s altar, we than can once again become the image that
God the Heavenly Father created us to be, before sin entered into
the world through Adam and our holy beings fell from grace: a grace
that was restored and surpassed with Christ Jesus’s resurrection
from the dead.
Christians, let us remember also, the honored place of Holy
Matrimony, Saint Paul testifies: he that is married careth for the
things that are of the world, how he may please his wife; whereas,
he that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord,
how he may please the Lord!
As well, do we not remember what Saint Paul teaches about
those who are faithful preachers of Christ Jesus’s Gospel: how
beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and
of good tidings of good things towards man; lest we forget, let us
remember that Christ Jesus’s peace is not a peace that is like unto
the world’s peace, but is a peace that goes beyond all
Still, if
we are to bless the feet of a faithful preacher, should we not also
bless the feet of a wife: did not Christ Jesus bathe the feet of his
Apostles; telling them to be servants of one another.
Christians, how then can we ignore the blessed feet of the
mother of our children, the wife that blesses our life in so many
ways, and how can we not care for her aches and cherish her feet
with lovingkindness: yes, husbands love your wives as Christ Jesus
loves his Church.
let us not be remiss; rather let us faithfully and fully testify:
for clearly there are some things that are unnatural and we must not
do these abominations; whereas, by not doing these abominations, we
are being faithful to the Lord Christ Jesus: Jesus Christ being the
very image of God the Heavenly Father.
Still, again, husbands are to love their wives as Christ
Jesus loves his Church: completely, faithfully, naturally, knowing
that the marriage of a man and a woman is the two becoming one and
it is a blessed gift.
Now Christians, as we read the testimonies from the letter to the
Hebrews; let us understand that Christ Jesus is a priest forever!
John the Baptist looking upon Jesus as he walked, said:
behold the lamb of God!
Christians, let us also remember that Christ Jesus testified: it is
written in the prophets, and they shall be all taught of God.
Every man therefore that has heard and has learned of the
Father, comes unto the Lord Christ Jesus!
So, then Christians, we have this covenant with the Lord God
the Heavenly Father: he will establish them and that he will put his
laws in our hearts and God will write his laws upon our minds!
Then, Christians, the Holy Spirit testifies: their sins and
their evildoing that God will remember no more.
Now, since Christ Jesus there is forgiveness of these, and
since there is forgiveness there is no longer offerings for sin: for
Christ Jesus is the eternal offering for the sins of humankind and
if and when we make a sincere repentance, which includes turning
away from our sin, acknowledging our sin, bringing forth fruits
worthy of repentance and going and sinning no more, then we receive
the forgiving grace that Christ Jesus did eternally establish by his
sacrificial death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead.
Yes, Christians, through Christ Jesus’s offering, his
crucifixion, he has made perfect forever those who are being
and sanctify them in truth prayed the Lord Christ Jesus, saying,
that God the Heavenly Father’s word, the word that he sent his Son
our Lord Christ Jesus to bring to us is truth, and his word is
spirit and life: this word that God has written in our hearts and
upon our minds.
Christians, truly,
Saint Paul testifies to the Romans: that those who did not afford
God glory or give him thanks; those who did not glorify God as God
that they became vain in their reasoning and their senseless minds
were darkened.
Such as
these, they did not like to retain God in their knowledge;
therefore, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those
things which are not convenient: Christians, afford glory to God as
God and first seek the kingdom of heaven and the Heavenly Father’s
Christians, just as there are the obvious sins of the flesh, let us
state and recognize the obvious: Christ Jesus has enemies.
Harken! What does God tell the Psalmist to testify: sit at my
right hand till God makes the enemies, to be your footstool.
Now, do you think or believe that Satan, father of God’s
enemies is pleased, with what God the Heavenly Father is doing or do
you believe that Lucifer, the devil: will try to hoodwink, deceive,
misguide, get you to believe falsehoods, and try to destroy all the
good things of God the Heavenly Father; the answer is obvious is it
Christ Jesus talks
of these deceiving tactics in the purest and deepest form, if but we
realize, understand, and acknowledge: for Jesus Christ testifies: if
thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great
is that darkness.
Jesus testifies: take heed therefore that the light which is in thee
be not darkness.
Christians, consider the warning that Christ Jesus and Saint Paul
and the other Apostles testify unto us: Woe unto you, when all men
shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false
Christians, do we not then understand, from this testimony from
Christ Jesus: that a false prophet is not going to come right out
and tell us that they are trying to steal: our land, our country,
our faith, our everything, or is it more likely that they will do
this coveting and stealing in a manner that is difficult to discern
and realize; as in a slyly, clandestinely and in a deceitful and
manipulative manner: trying to hoodwink a person and people!
Therefore, again, Christians, let us turn to what Christ
Jesus has taught us: that a person is known by their fruits!
As well, let us remember that Christ Jesus testifies that we
are not to fear those who can beat us, bruise us, break our bones
and even kill us, but we are to fear the one who has the power to
cast our soul into eternal damnation.
Christians, so in this we understand: if a person or people
are speaking against God’s sacrament of Holy Matrimony, they are
trying to deceive us, and do not have good works but that their
works are those that will condemn them to the unquenchable fires of
Gehenna; otherwise known as hell.
Yes, Christians, this is true about all of God the Heavenly
Father’s creation and his good works, the image that he created us
to be: for Satan hates God and is trying to destroy all of God’s
good works.
Christians, deceitfulness is truly Satan’s choice of weapons, and as
Lucifer lied and did deceive Eve, the devil is constantly and
continually trying and wanting to deceive humankind.
Remember, Saint Paul’s testimony: that it is no marvel; for
Satan himself transformed into an angel of light.
Yes! Satan’s light is darkness; moreover, though two thousand
years seems like a long time to us mere mortals: heck, an afternoon
can appear to be a long time, but truthfully, to God two thousand
years is but two days, and Satan’s time is short and his
imprisonment is soon: little wonder why the devil hates prison on
earth, but it is God the Heavenly Father’s chosen method.
Now Christians, in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus, let us
pray and be thankful.